Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

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351227Articles of Enquiry, &c. The nekt is, when it will melt, though not riſe; And the next, when it will
ſoften, though not melt.
Of all theſe, diligent inquiry is to be made, in
ſeveral Metals;
eſpecially of the more extream degrees.
For Tranſmutation or Verſion, if it be real and true, it is the furtheſt
point of Art;
and would be well diſting uiſhed from Extraction, from Re-
ſtitution, and from Adulteration.
I hear much of turning Iron into Cop-
I hear alſo of the growth of Lead in weight, which cannot be with-
out a Converſion of ſome Body into Lead:
But whatſoever is of this kinde,
and well approved, is diligently to be inquired, and ſet down.
THe fourth Letter of the Croſs Row, is Reſtitution. Firſt therefore,
it is to be enquired in the Negative;
what Bodies will never return,
either by reaſon of their extream fixing, as in ſome Vitrifications, or by
extream Volatility.
It is alſo to be enquired of the two Means of Reduction; and firſt by
the Fire, which is but by Congregation of Homogeneal parts.
The ſecond is, by drawing them down, by ſome Body, that hath con-
ſent with them:
As Iron draweth down Copper in Water; Gold draweth
Quick-ſilver in vapor;
whatſoever is of this kinde, is very diligently to be
Alſo it is to be enquired, what Time or Age will reduce without the
help of Fire or Body?
Alſo it is to be enquired, what gives Impediment to Union or Reſti-
tution, which is ſometimes called Mortification;
as when Quick-ſilver is
mortified with Turpentine, Spittle, or Butter.
Laſtly, it is to be enquired how the Metal reſtored, differeth in any
thing from the Metal raw or crude?
As whether it becometh not more chur-
liſh, altered in colour, or the like?

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