Foscarini, Paolo Antonio, An epistle to fantoni, 1661

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              ſeems) not onely to Phyſical Reaſons, and Common Principles
              received on all hands (which cannot do ſo much harm) but alſo
              (which would be of far worſe conſequence) to many Authori­
              ties of ſacred Scripture: Upon which account many at their
              firſt looking into it, explode it as the moſt fond Paradox and
                <emph type="italics"/>
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              that ever was heard of. </s>
              <s>Which thing pro­
              ceeds only from an antiquated and long confirmed Cuſtome,
              which hath ſo hardened men in, and habituated them to Vul­
              gar, Plauſible, and for that cauſe by all men (aſwell learned as
              unlearned) Approved Opinions, that they cannot be removed
              one ſtep from them: So great is the force of Cuſtome (which
              not unfitly is ſtiled a ſecond Nature) prevailing over the whole
              World, that touching things men are rather pleaſed with, de­
              lighted in, and deſirous of thoſe, which, though evil and obnox­
              ious, are by uſe made familiar to them, than ſuch, wherewith,
              though better, they are not accuſtomed and acquainted. </s>
              <s>So in
              like manner, and that chiefly, in
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              which when once they
              are rooted in the Mind, men ſtart at, and reject all others
              whatſoever; not only thoſe that are contrary to, but even all
              that ever ſo little diſagree with or vary from theirs, as harſh to
              the Ear, diſcoloured to the Eye, unpleaſant to the Smell, nauſe­
              ous to the Taſt, rough to the Touch. </s>
              <s>And no wonder: For
              Phyſical Truths are ordinarily judged and conſidered by men,
              not according to their Eſſence, but according to the preſcript of
              ſome one whoſe deſcription or definition of them gaines him
              Authority amongſt the vulgar. </s>
              <s>Which authority nevertheleſs
              (ſince 'tis no more than humane) ought not to be ſo eſteemed, as
              that that which doth manifeſtly appear to the contrary, whether
              from better Reaſons lately found out, or from Senſe it ſelf, ſhould
              for its ſake be contemned and ſlighted; Nor is Poſterity ſo to be
              confined, but that it may, and dares, not only proceed farther,
              but alſo bring to light better and truer Experiments than thoſe
              which have been delivered to us by the Ancients. </s>
              <s>For the
                <emph type="italics"/>
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              of the Antients, as in Inventions they did not much ſur­
              paſs the Wits of our times; ſo for the perfecting of Inventions
              this Age of ours ſeems not only to equal, but far to excell former
              Ages; Knowledge, whether in the Liberal or Mechanical Arts,
              daily growing to a greater height. </s>
              <s>Which Aſſertion might be
              eaſily proved, were it not that in ſo clear a caſe, there would be
              more danger of obſcuring, than hopes of illuſtrating it with any
              farther light.</s>
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              <s>But (that I may not wholly be ſilent in this point) have not the
              ſeveral Experiments of Moderns, in many things, ſtopped the
              mouth of Venerable Antiquity, and proved many of their great­
              teſt and weightieſt Opinions, to be vain and falſe? </s>
              <s>The Doctrine </s>