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Mongolian Scripts

"The Max Planck Society"

1. Ancient Mongolian Soyombo script, which was devised by the first Bogd Zhivzundamba, Ondor Gegeen Zanabazar / The first Mongolian Buddhist Leader / (1635-1723) at Tuxven Monastery in 1686.

2. Mongol Script type, which was used in the preclassical period. The earliest known example of the use of the Uigarzhin-Mongol script is the five-line inscription on a stele known as the "Chingis' stone incription."

3. Classical Mongol script. The type is widely used at the present time.

4. Tod or Clear Script, which was devised in 1648 by Zaya Bandida, also known as Namxaizhamc (1599-1662), a Mongolian Buddhist scholar.

5. Ornamental Mongol Script, which was spread among Mongolians in the book printing culture.

6. Square Script, which was devised in 1269 by Phags-pa lama Lodoizhalcan (1235-1280) by order of Kublai Khaan. This script was used for the official letters of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty.

7. Ornamental Script. This type was widely used in Buddhist texts for decorative purposes.

Calligraphic panel presented to the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science by the research group of the Mongolian Academy of the Sciences visiting on March 18, 2011.
The panel features the "Max Planck Society" written in Mongolian calligraphy used in different historical periods, 2011
Calligrapher: Otgonbaatar Rinchensambuu
Description by Purevjav Dorjjugder and Otgonbaatar Rinchensambuu

Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
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