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More information about joining ECHO's Open Access Initiative

Aim of the ECHO initiative:
The ECHO initiative aims to create an infrastructure to bring cultural heritage on the Internet, and builds up a network of institutions, research projects and other users which provide content and technology for the common infrastructure, with the aim to enrich the "agora" and to create a future Web of Culture and Science.

Members of the ECHO agora:
Institutions, projects and content providers all over the world are invited to join the ECHO initiative, to provide representations of cultural heritage as well as scholarly metadata on cultural heritage, but also electronic tools to work with representations of cultural heritage.

Content provision:
The ECHO initiative is open for provision of content in numerous fields and scientific disciplines. ECHO started to present seed collections. The presentations of these seed collections may give an idea of making other collections accessible via the ECHO portal.

Conditions for being supported by the ECHO Initiative:
Basis to take part and also being supported by the ECHO initiative is the agreement with the open access policy, ECHO has defined in the ECHO Charter and which is also presented by the "Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in Sciences and Humanities."

For more information about the ECHO initiative and its activities, please contact Simone Rieger, member of the coordination team of the ECHO initiative.

   CONTACT   IMPRESSUM   Last Update: June 2015