Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

Table of contents

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[61.] PROP. VII. Tis probable that the Sun is in the Gentre of the World.
[62.] PROP. VIII. That there is not any ſufficient reaſon to prove the Earth incapable of thoſe mo-tions which Copernicus aſcribes un-to it.
[63.] Provebimur portu, terræque, verbeſq; recedunt.
[64.] PROP. IX. That it is more probable the Earth does move, than the Sun or Heavens.
[65.] PROP. X. That this Hypotheſis is exactly agreeable to common appearances.
[66.] Quicunq; ſolam mente præcipiti petit
[67.] Brevem replere non valentis ambitum, # Pudebit aucti nominis.
[68.] FINIS.
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page |< < (160) of 370 > >|
172160That the Moon may be a World. later Chapter did unwittingly agree with it) there is de-
liver’d a pleaſant and well contriv’d Fancy concerning a
Voyage to this other World.
He ſuppoſeth that there is a natural and uſual paſſage
for many creatures betwixt our Earth and this Planet.
he ſays;
thoſe great multitudes of Locuſts wherewith
divers Countries have been deſtroyed, do proceed from
And if we peruſe the Authors who treat of them,
we ſhall find that many times they fly in numberleſs
Troops, or Swarms, and for ſundry days together before
they fall, are ſeen over thoſe places in great high Clouds,
fuch as coming nearer, are of extenſion enough to obſcure
the day, and hinder the light of the Sun.
From which,
together with divers other ſuch Relations, he concludes, that
’tis not altogether improbable, they ſhould proceed from
the Moon.
Thus likewiſe he ſuppoſes the Swallows,
Cuckoes, Nightingales, with divers other Fowl, which are
with us only half a year, to fly up thither, when they go
from us.
Amongſt which kind, there is a wild Swan in
the Eaſt Indies, which at certain Seaſons of the year do
conſtantly take their flight thither.
Now this Bird being
of a great Strength, able to continue for a long Flight;
as alſo going uſually in Flocks, like our Wild Geeſe; he
ſuppoſeth that many of them together, might be thought
to carry the weight of a Man;
eſpecially, if an Engine
were ſo contriv’d (as he thinks it might) that each of them
ſhould bear an equal ſhare in the burden.
So that by this
means, ’tis eaſily conceivable, how once a year a man might
finiſh ſuch Voyage;
going along with theſe Birds at the
beginning of Winter, and again returning with them at
the Spring.
And here, one that had a ſtrong Fancy, were better able
to ſet forth the great benefit and Pleaſure to be had by ſuch
a Journey.
And that whether you conſider the ſtrangeneſs
of the Perſons, Language, Art, Policy, Religion of thoſe
Inhabitants, together with the new Traffick that might be
brought thence, In brief, do but conſider the pleaſure
and profit of thoſe later Diſcoveries in America, and we
muſt needs conclude this to be inconceiveably beyond it.
But ſuch Imaginations as theſc, I ſhall leave to the Fancy
of the Reader.
----------- Sic itur ad aſtra.
Reptet humi quicunque velit -------------
Cœlo reſtat iter, cœlo tentabimus ire.

Search results

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Searching "wings" (fulltextMorph)
1. Page 90, Sentence 4:Over the Seas he might have Ships, and over //the Land Horſes, but he muſt have Wings be-//fore he could get up thither.
2. Page 141, Sentence 1:The Prieſt of Saturn relating to Plutarch //(as he feigns it) the nature of theſe Selenites, //told him, they were of divers diſpoſitions, //ſome deſiring to live in the lower parts of the //Moon, where they might look downwards //upon us, while others were more ſurely moun-//ted aloft, all of them ſhining like the Rays of //the Sun, and as being Victorious, are Crow-//ned with Garlands made with the Wings of //Euſtathia or Gonſtancie.
3. Page 156, Sentence 15:whereas being /// high, they can keep themſelves up, and ſoar a-//bout by the meer extenſion of their Wings. //
4. Page 171, Sentence 2:’Tis not perhaps impoſſible, that a man //may be able to Fly, by the application of Wings to his //own body;
5. Page 171, Sentence 6:If there be ſuch a great Ruck in Madagaſcar, as 11Mr. Bur. //ton. cus Polus the Venetian mentions, the Feathers in whoſe //Wings are twelve Foot long, which can ſoop up a Horle //22Melanch. //pa. 2. ſect. 2 //mem. 3. and his Rider, or an Elephant, as our Kites do a Mouſe; //

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