Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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23858That the Earth may be a Planet. ask how this Beaſt does to find Paſture e-
they anſwer, that he remains con-
ſtantly in one place, where there is as much
Graſs grows up in the Night, as was eaten
in the Day.
They tell us alſo of a Bird, which was of
that quantity, that having upon a time caſt
an Egg out of her Neſt, there were beaten
down by the fall of it, three hundred of the
talleſt Cedars, and no leſs than threeſcore
Villages drowned.
As alſo of a Frog, as big
as a Town capable of ſixty Houſes;
Frog, notwithſtanding his greatneſs, was
devoured by a Serpent, and that Serpent by
a Crow;
which Crow, as ſhe was flying up
to a Tree, eclipſed the Sun, and darkned
the World;
by which you may gueſs, what
a pretty Twig that Tree was.
If you
would know the proper Name of this Bird,
you may find it in Pſal.
50. 11. where it is
called ן’ןו, or in our Tranſlation, the Fowl
11V. Parap.
of the Mountains.
It ſeems it was ſome-
what of kin to that other Bird they tell us
of, whoſe Legs were ſo long, that they
reached unto the bottom of that Sea, where
there had been an Ax-head falling for ſeven
Years together, before it could come to the
Many other Relations there are, which
contain ſuch horrible Abſurdities, that a Man
cannot well conceive how they ſhould pro-
ceed from reaſonable Creatures.
And all
this ariſing from that wrong Principle of
That Scripture did exactly

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