Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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4735That the Moon may be a World. Diſtinctly ſet down for this Opinion. For
the better Confirmation of which he adjoins
alſo ſome Authentical Epiſtles of Fredericus
Gæſius Lyncæus, a Noble Prince, written to
Bellarmine, containing divers Reaſons to the
ſame purpoſe.
You may alſo ſee the ſame
Truth ſet down by Fohannes Pena, in his Pre-
face to Euclids Opticks, and Chriſtoph.
manus, both who thought the Firmament to
11De ſtella.
15. 72. l. 1.
c. 9.
be only Air:
and though the Noble Tycho do
Diſpute againſt them, yet he himſelf holds,
Quod propius ad veritatis penetralia accedit hæc
opinio, quam Ariſtotelica vulgariter approbata,
quæ cælum pluribus realibus atque imperviis orbi-
bus citra rem replevit.
‘That this Opinion
‘ comes nearer to the Truth, than the common
‘ one of Ariſtotle, which hath to no purpoſe
‘ filled the Heavens with ſuch real and Imper-
‘ vious Orbs.
2. There is no Element of Fire, which
muſt be held with this Opinion here deliver'd;
for if we ſuppoſe a World in the Moon, then
it will follow, that the Sphere of Fire, either
is not there where it is uſually placed in the
Concavity of his Orb, or elſe that there is no
ſuch thing at all, which is moſt probable,ſince
there are not any ſuch Solid Orbs, that by
their ſwift Motion might Heat and Enkindle
the adjoyning Air, which is imagined to be
the Reaſon of that Element.
The Arguments
that are commonly urged to this purpoſe, are
1. That which was beſore alledged concer-
ning the Refractions which will be caus'd by
a different Medium.
For if the Matter of

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