Apian, Petrus, Cosmographia

Table of handwritten notes

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[Handwritten note 13]
[Handwritten note 14]
[Handwritten note 15]
[Handwritten note 16]
[Handwritten note 17]
[Handwritten note 18]
[Handwritten note 13]
[Handwritten note 14]
[Handwritten note 15]
[Handwritten note 16]
[Handwritten note 17]
[Handwritten note 18]
[Handwritten note 19]
[Handwritten note 20]
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Ecce formulam, usum, atquc structuram
Tabularum Ptolomaei, cum quibusdam
locis, in quibus studiosus Geogra-
phiae se satis exercere potest.
38[Figure 38]S E P T E N T R I O.
pars superior.

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