Galilei, Galileo, De Motu Antiquiora

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Having examined these things in the case of the scale pan, returning to natural mobiles, we can put forward the following as a general proposition: namely, that the heavier cannot be raised by the less heavy. {1} With this presupposed, it is easy to understand why solids that are lighter than water are not completely submerged. Consequently if the water, which is to be raised, is heavier than the beam itself, then surely it will not be able to be raised by the beam: but if the beam is completely submerged, then it is necessary that from the place, into which the beam enters, an amount of water as great in size as the size of the beam itself should be removed: but an amount of water as great in size, as is the size of the beam, is heavier then the beam (for it is assumed that the beam is lighter than water): therefore it will not be possible for the beam to be completely submerged. And this corresponds to what has been said in the case of the scale pan, namely that a lesser weight cannot raise a greater one. But if the beam were equally as heavy as water, that is if the water, which is raised by the beam that is to be submerged, is not heavier than but equally as heavy as the beam, then the beam surely will be completely submerged, since it does not have resistance from the water that is to be raised; but in addition, when it is completely under water, it will be carried no more upward than downward: and this corresponds by analogy to what has been said in the case of the scale pan concerning equal weights, of which neither is carried either upward or downward.But if, on the other hand, the beam is heavier than that water which is to be raised by the beam, that is if the beam is heavier than an amount of water as great in size, as its own proper size (for there is raised by the submerged beam, as has often been said, an amount of water as great in size as its own size), then certainly the beam will be carried downward: which indeed corresponds by analogy to what has been said in the case of the scale pan,

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Searching "tower" (fulltextMorph)
1. Page 16, Sentence 4:How ridiculous this opinion is, is clearer than daylight: for who will ever believe that if, for example, two lead balls were released from the sphere of the Moon, one being a hundred times larger than the other, if the larger took an hour to come to Earth, the smaller would use in its motion a space of time of a hundred hours? or, if from a high tower {1}, two stones, one being double the size of the other, were thrown at the same moment, that, when the smaller was at mid-tower, the larger would already have reached the ground?
2. Page 24, Sentence 18:For if one takes two different mobiles, which have such properties that one is carried twice as swiftly as the other, and then releases them from the top of a tower, it will certainly not hit the ground faster, twice as swiftly: what is more, if one makes the observation, the one which is lighter at the beginning of the motion will precede the heavier and will be faster.
3. Page 68, Sentence 9:But this way of thinking is not only false, but ridiculous: for, if it were true, it would follow that a stone going down from a very high tower would be moved more slowly at mid-tower, than if the same stone were falling to the ground from a very low place, and for this reason the mobile [falling from a greater height] would also make a lesser impact.
4. Page 76, Sentence 3:There is a fourth well-known argument concerning a large stone going down from a tower, which will not be sufficiently blocked by a pebble impelled upward by force, so as to permit the pebble to be at rest for any time: hence surely the pebble will not be at rest at the ultimate point of its upward motion, and Aristotle notwithstanding, it will make use of the ultimate point for the two limits, namely of upward motion and of downward motion; and the ultimate instant is taken twice, namely, for the end of one time and for the beginning of the other.
5. Page 79, Sentence 4:Now in the case of heavier things, since a great amount of contrary force must be consumed in their descent, a greater time will be required for it to be consumed; in which time, since they are carried swiftly, they will descend a great distance: since we cannot avail ourselves of such great distances from which to release heavy things, it is not astonishing if the stone, released from merely the height of a tower, will seem to accelerate all the way to the ground; for this short distance and short time of motion are not sufficient to destroy the whole contrary force.
6. Page 84, Sentence 6:Yet experience shows the contrary: for it is true that wood at the beginning of its motion is carried more speedily than lead; but a little later the motion of lead is so accelerated that it leaves the wood behind, and, if they are released from a high tower, the lead gets ahead of it by a large distance: and I have often put this to the test. {1}
7. Page 134, Sentence 6:But if we go up a very high tower, on the top of which there is a bathtub, the same thing will happen to us when in it as if we were to go into the sea: for we will not be weighed down by the water, even though the latter, having air underneath it, is outside its proper place.
8. Page 150, Sentence 12:For if a stone goes down from a high tower, its swiftness seems always to be increased: yet this happens because the stone, in comparison /// with the medium through which it is carried, namely air, is very heavy; and since it goes away with an amount of impressed force as great as its heaviness, it assuredly goes away with a great impressed force, which the motion from the height of a tower is not sufficient to consume, so that the swiftness is always intensified all through the height of a single tower.

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