Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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              out of the Receiver into the empty'd Cy­
              linder, the Air in the Receiver being ſud­
              denly and vehemently expanded, the Tex­
              ture of it was as ſuddenly alter'd, and the
              parts made ſo to ſhift places (and perhaps
              ſome of them to change poſtures) as du­
              ring their new and vehement Motion and
              their varied Scituation, to diſturb the
              wonted continuity and ſo the Diapha­
              neity of the Air; which (as we have alrea­
              dy noted) upon its ceaſing to be a tran­
              ſparent Body, without the interpoſition
              of colour'd things, muſt eaſily degene­
              rate into white. </s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>Several things there were that made
              this Conjecture ſeem the leſs improba­
              ble. </s>
              <s>As firſt, That the whiteneſs al­
              ways appear'd greater when the Exſucti­
              on began to be made, whil'ſt there was
              ſtore of Air in the Receiver, then when
              the Air was in great part drawn out. </s>
              next, That, having exhauſted the Re­
              ceiver, and apply'd to the hole in the
              Stop-cock a large bubble of clear Glaſs, in
              ſuch a manner, that we could at pleaſure let
              the Air paſs out at the ſmall Glaſs into the
              great one, and eaſily fill the ſmall one with
              Air again, We obſerv'd with pleaſure, </s>