Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1was ſubſided, upon the readmiſſion of the
external Air to preſs againſt the convex
ſurface of the Egge, the Water was pre­
ſently re-impell'd to its former height:
Which would perhaps appear leſs ſtrange
to Your Lordſhip, if You had yet ſeen
what we have heretofore taught in ano­
ther Treatiſe concerning the Spring that
may be diſcover'd in Glaſs, as rigid and
inflexible a Body as it is generally e­
And in the mean while it may
ſerve the turn to cauſe a Glaſs Egge to be
blown exceeding thin, and then, having
broken it, try how far you can by degrees
bend ſome narrow parts of it; and how
readily, upon the removal of what kept
it bent, it will reſtore it ſelf to its former
ſtate or poſture.
But to return to our
Experiment, From thence it ſeems pro­
bable, either that there ſucceeds no Bo­
dy in the room of the Air drawn out of
our Receiver, or that it is not every Mat­
ter that is ſubtle enough readily to paſs
through the Pores of Glaſs, that is al­
ways agitated enough to produce Heat
where ever it is plentifully found.
So that
if no Vacuum be to be admitted, this Ex­
periment ſeems to invite us to allow a
great diſparity, either as to bulk, or as to

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