Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660
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              was kill'd with violent Convulſions,
              within five Minutes from the beginning
              of the Pumping. </s>
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              <s>A while after we put in a Mouſe, new­
              ly taken, in ſuch a Trap as had rather af­
              frighted then hurt him; vvhil'ſt he vvas
              leaping up very high in the Receiver, vve
              faſten'd the Cover to it, expecting that
              an Animal uſed to live in narrow holes
              vvith very little freſh Air, vvould endure
              the vvant of it better then the lately men­
              tion'd Birds: But though, for a vvhile af­
              ter the Pump vvas ſet avvork, he conti­
              nued leaping up as before; yet 'tvvas not
              long ere he began to appear ſick and gid­
              dy, and to ſtagger, after vvhich he fell
              dovvn as dead, but vvithout ſuch violent
              Convulſions as the Birds died vvith.
              <s>Whereupon, haſtily turning the Key, we
              let in ſome freſh Air upon him, by vvhich
              he recovered, after a vvhile, his ſenſes and
              his feet, but ſeem'd to continue vveak and
              ſick: But at length, grovving able to
              skip as formerly, the Pump vvas plyed
              again for eight minutes, about the mid­
              dle of vvhich ſpace, if not before, a very
              little Air by a miſchance got in at the
              Stop-cock; and about tvvo minutes after
              that, the Mouſe divers times leap'd up </s>