Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

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11The TABLE.
Century I.
OF Straining or Percolation, Outward and Inward. Experiment 8. # page 1
of Motion upon Preſſure, Exp. 5 # pag. 2
of Separations of Bodies L’quid by Weight. Exp. 3 # pag. 3
of Infuſions in Water and Air. Exp. 7 # pag. 4
of the Appe@i@e of Continuation in Liquids. Exp. 1 # pag. 5
of Artificial Springs. Exp. 1 # pag. 6
of the Venemous Quality of Mans Fleſh. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of Turning Air into Water, Exp. 1 # ibid.
of Helping or Altering the shape of the Body. Exp. 1 # pag. 7
of condenſing of Air to yield Weight, or Nouriſhment. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of Flame and Air commixed. Exp. 1 # pag. 8
Of the ſecret nature of Flame. Exp. 1 # pag. 9
of Flame in the midst and on the Sides. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of Motion of Gravity. Exp. 1 # pag. 10
of Contraction of Bodies in Bulk. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of making Vines more fruitful. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of the ſeveral Operations of Purging Medicines. Exp. 9 # ibid.
Of Meats and Drinks moſt Nouriſhing. Exp. 15 # pag. 12
of Medicines applied in Order. Exp. 1 # pag. 16
Of cure by Cuſtome. Exp. 1 # pag. 17
Of cure by Exceſs. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of Cure by Motion of Conſent. Exp. 1 # ibid.
Of cure of Diſeaſes contrary to Prediſpoſition. # ibid.
Of Preparation before and after Purging. Exp. 1 # pag. 18
of Stanching Blood. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of change of Aliments and Medicines. Exp. 1 # ibid.
Of Diets. Exp. 1 # pag. 19
Of Production of Cold. Exp. 7 # pag. 196
Of turning Air into Water. Exp. 7 # pag. 20
Of Indurætion of Bodies. Exp. 8 # pag. 22
Of Preying of Air upon Water. Exp. 1 # pag. 124
Of the force of Vaion. Exp. 1 # ibid.
Of M@king Feathers and H@irs of divers colours. Exp. 1 # ibid.
Of Nouriſhment of young creatures in the Egge or Womb. Exp. 1 # pag. 25
of Sympathy and Antipatby. Exp. 3 # ibid.
Of the Spirits or Pneumaticals in B@dies. Exp. 1 # pag. 26
Of the Power of Heat. Exp. 1 # pag. 27
Of Impoſſibility of Annih@lation. Exp. 1 # pag. 28
Century II.
OF Muſick. Exp. 14 # pag. 29
of the Nullity and Entity of Sounds. Exp. 4 # pag. 32
of Production, Conſervation, and Delation of Sounds. Exp. 14 # pag. 34
Of Magnitude, Exility, and Damps of Sounds. Exp. 25 # pag. 37
Of Loudneſs, and Softneſs, of Sound. Exp. 3 # pag. 41

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