Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

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Century V.
WE will now enquire of Plants or Vegetables; and we ſhall
in Conſort,
touching the
of Germinati-
do it with diligence.
They are the principal part of
the Third days Work;
they are the firſt Producat, which
is the word of Animation, for the other words are but
the words of Eſſence;
and they are of excellent and
generaluſe, For Food, Medicine, and a number of Medi-
cinal Arts.
There were ſown in a Bed, Turnip ſeed, Raddiſh-ſeed, Wheat, Cucumber-ſeed,
22401. and Peaſe.
The Bed we call a Hot-bed, and the manner of it is this. There
was taken Horſe-dung, old, and well rotted;
this was laid upon a Bank
half a foot high, and ſupported round about with Planks;
and upon the
top was caſt ſifred Earth, ſome two fingers deep;
and then the Seed
ſprinkled upon it, having been ſteeped all night in Water mixed with Cow-
The Turnip-ſeed, and the VVneat, came up half an inch above ground,
within two days after, without any watering;
the reſt the third day. The
Experiment was made in October, and (it may be) in the Spring, the Accele-
8080[Handwritten note 80] rating would have been the ſpeedier.
This is a noble Experiment; for,
without this help, they would have been four times as long in coming up.
But there doth not occur to me, at this preſent, any uſe thereof, for pro-
fit, except it ſhould be for Sowing of Peaſe, which have their price very
much increaſed by the early coming.
It may be tryed alſo with Cher-
ries, Strawberries, and other Fruit which are deareſt, when they come
There was Wheat ſteeped in Water mixed with Cow dung, other in
33402. Water mixed with Horſe-dung, other in Water mixed with

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