Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

Table of contents

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[91.] The Explication.
[92.] Canon XI.
[93.] The Explication.
[94.] Canon XII.
[95.] The Explication.
[96.] Canon XIII.
[97.] The Explication.
[98.] Canon XIV.
[99.] The Explication.
[100.] Canon XV.
[101.] The Explication.
[102.] Canon XVI.
[103.] The Explication.
[104.] Canon XVII.
[105.] The Explication.
[106.] Canon XVIII.
[107.] The Explication.
[108.] Canon XIX.
[109.] The Explication.
[110.] Canon XX.
[111.] The Explication.
[112.] Canon XXI.
[113.] The Explication.
[114.] Canon XXII.
[115.] The Explication.
[116.] Canon XXIII.
[117.] The Explication.
[118.] Canon XXIV.
[119.] The Explication.
[120.] Canon XXV.
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13197Century V.
It hath been generally received, that a Plant watred with warm Water,
11451. will come up ſooner and better, than with cold Water, or with Showers.
But the Experiment of watering Wheat with warm Water (as hath been
ſaid) ſucceeded not;
which may be, becauſe the tryal was too late in
the Year, viz.
in the end of October. For the Cold then coming upon the
Seed, after it was made more tender by the warm Water, might
check it.
There is no doubt, but that Grafting (for the moſt part) doth meliorate
22452. the Fruit.
The cauſe is manifeſt, for that the nouriſhment is better prepared
in the Stock, than in the Crude Earth:
But yet note well, that there be ſome
Trees that are ſaid to come up more happily from the Kernel, than from the
as the Peach, and Melocotone. The cauſe, I ſuppoſe to be, for that
thoſe Plants require a nouriſhment of great moiſture;
and though the nou-
riſhment of the Stock be finer, and better prepared, yet it is not ſo moiſt and
plentiful, as the nouriſhment of the Earth.
And indeed we ſee thoſe Fruits
are very cold Fruits in their Nature.
It hath been received, that a ſmaller Pear grafced upon a Stock that
33453. beareth a greater Pear, will become great.
But I think it is as true, as that of
the Prime-Fruit upon the late Stock, and è Controverſo, which we rejected
for the Cions will govern. Nevertheleſs, it is probable enough,
that if you can get a Cions to grow upon a Stock of another kinde, that is
much moiſter than his own Stock, it may make the Fruit greater, becauſe it
will yield more plentiful nouriſhment, though it is like it will make the Fruit
But generally the grafting is upon a dryer Stock; as the Apple upon
a Crab, the Pear upon a Thorn, &
c. Yet it is reported, that in the Low-
Countreys they will graft an Apple-Cions upon the Stock of a Colewort, and
it will bear a great flaggy Apple;
the Kernel of which, if it be ſet, will be a
Colewort, and not an Apple.
It were good to try, whether an Apple-Cions
will proſper, if it be grafted upon a Sallow or upon a Poplar, or upon an Alder,
or upon an Elm, or upon an Horſe-Plum, which are the moiſteſt of Trees.
have heard that it hath been tryed upon an Elm, and ſucceeded.
It is manifeſt by experience, That Flowers removed, wax greater, be-
44454. cauſe the nouriſhment is more eaſily come by in the looſe Earth.
It may be,
that oft regrafting of the ſame Cions, may likewiſe make Fruit greater;
as if
you take a Cions, and graft it upon a Stock the firſt year;
and then cut it off,
8585[Handwritten note 85] and graft it upon another Stock the ſecond year, and ſo for a third, or fourth
year, and then let it reſt, it will yield afterward, when it beareth, the greater
Of Grafting, there are many Experiments worth the noting, but thoſe we reſerve
# to a proper place.
It maketh Figs better, if a Fig-tree, when it beginneth to put forth
55455. Leaves, have his top cut off.
The cauſe is plain, for that the Sap hath the leſs
to feed, and the lefs way to mount:
But it may be the Fig will come fome-
what later, as was formerly touched.
The ſame may be tried likewiſe in other
It is reported, That Mulberries will be fairer, and the Tree more fruit-
66456. ful, if you bore the Trunk of the Tree thorow in ſeveral places, and thruſt
into the places bored, Wedges of ſome hot Trees;
as Turpentine, Maſtick-tree,
Guaiacum, Juniper, &
c. The cauſe may be, for that Adventive heat doth chear
up the Native Juyce of the Tree.
It is reported, That Trees will grow greater and bear better Fruit, if
77457. you put Salt, or Lees of Wine, or Blood to the Root.
The cauſe may be the

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