Apollonius <Pergaeus>; Lawson, John, The two books of Apollonius Pergaeus, concerning tangencies, as they have been restored by Franciscus Vieta and Marinus Ghetaldus : with a supplement to which is now added, a second supplement, being Mons. Fermat's Treatise on spherical tangencies

Table of Notes

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Authors refered to in the SYNOPSIS.
ANDERSONI Var. Prob. Practice, cum Supplemento Apollonii
# Redivivi, 4to. # Pariſiis 1612
Anderſoni Exercitationum Math. Deas ima. 4to. # ibid. 1619
Aſhby’s Algebra, 2d Edit. 12mo. # Lond. 1741
Britiſh Oracle (Vol. I. being all that was publiſhed) 12mo. # ibid. 1769
Caſtillioneus inNewtoni Arith. Univerſalem, 4to. # Amſtelod. 1761
Clavius in Euclidem, var. Ed.
Court Magazine.
D’Omerique (Hugonis) Analyſis Geometrica, 4to. # Gadibus 1699
Diarian Repoſitory, Periodical Work, printed for Robinſon, 4to. # Lond. 1770, &c.
Foſter’s Miſcellanies, or Math. Lugubrations, fo. # ibid. 1659
General Magazine.
Gentleman’s Magazine.
Gentleman’s Diary.
Ghetaldi (Marini) Var. Prob. Collectio, 4to. # Venetiis 1607
Ghetaldus de Reſolutione & Compoſitione Math. fo. # Romæ 1640
Gregorius a Sancto Vincentio, fo. # Antverp. 1647
Herigoni Curſus Math. Lat. & Gallicè, 8vo. 5 Tom. # Paris 1644
Hutton’s Ladies Diaries.
# Mathematical Miſcellany.
Imperial Magazine.
Ladies Diaries.
Martin’s Math. Correſpondence, in his Magazine.
Mathematical Magazine.
Mathematician, Periodical Work. 8vo. # Lond.

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