Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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    <echo version="1.0RC">
      <text xml:lang="en" type="free">
        <div xml:id="echoid-div149" type="section" level="1" n="42">
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1855" xml:space="preserve">
              <pb o="128" file="0140" n="140" rhead="That the Moon may be a World."/>
            & </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1856" xml:space="preserve">aerea lunæ, & </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1857" xml:space="preserve">gravidine usateriali terræ, & </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1858" xml:space="preserve">
            conſimiliter de aliis ſtellarum regionibus, ſuſpican-
            tes nullam habitationibus carere, quaſi tot ſint par-
            tes particulares mundiales unius aniverſi, quot ſunt
            ſtellæ quærum non eſt numerus, niſi apud eum qui
            omnia in numero creavit.</s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1859" xml:space="preserve"/>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1860" xml:space="preserve">‘We may conjecture (ſaith he) the Inhabi-
            ‘ tants of the Sun are like to the nature of that
            ‘ Planet, more clear and bright, more intel-
            ‘ lectual than thoſe in the Moon where they
            ‘ are nearer to the Nature of that duller Pla-
            ‘ net, and thoſe of the Earth being more groſs
            and material than either, ſo that theſe Intelle-
            ‘ ctual Natures in the Sun, are more form than
            ‘ matter, thoſe in the Earth more matter than
            ‘ form, and thoſe in the Moon betwixt both.
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1861" xml:space="preserve">‘ This we may gueſs from the fiery influence
            ‘ of the Sun, the watery and aerous influence
            ‘ of the Moon, as alſo the material Heavineſs
            ‘ of the Earth. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1862" xml:space="preserve">In ſome ſuch manner likewiſe
            ‘ is it with the Regions of the-other Stars; </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1863" xml:space="preserve">for
            ‘ we conjecture that none of them are without
            ‘ Inhabitants, but that there are ſo many par-
            ‘ ticular Worlds and parts of this one Univerſe,
            ‘ as there are Stars, which are innumerable, un-
            ‘ leſs it be to him who Created all things in
            ‘ Number.</s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1864" xml:space="preserve"/>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1865" xml:space="preserve">For he held that the Stars were not all in
            one equal Orb as we commonly ſuppoſe; </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1866" xml:space="preserve">but
            that ſome were ſar higher than others, which
            made them appear leſs; </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1867" xml:space="preserve">and that many others
            were ſo far above any of theſe, that they were
            altogether inviſible unto us. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1868" xml:space="preserve">An Opinion which
            (as I conceive) hath not any great probability
            for it, nor certainty againſt it.</s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1869" xml:space="preserve"/>