Vitruvius, Vitrvvivs Itervm Et Frontinvs À Iocvndo Revisi Repvrgatiqve Qvantvm Ex Collatione Licvit, 1513

Table of handwritten notes

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Opus dia
56[Figure 56]a. ſ∞tia
b. guttæ ꝗ̃ in ima co,
rona diui
c. uidrũ
habe atur
quæ ſub
a b c
Siuero ſyſnoſtiſey & monotriglyphon opus eritfa,
9696[Handwritten note 96]9797[Handwritten note 97]9898[Handwritten note 98] ciendum, frons ædis ſitetra ſtylos erit, diuidatur in
partes, xxiii, ſi ſi hexaſtylos erit, diuidatur in partes
9696[Handwritten note 96]9797[Handwritten note 97]9898[Handwritten note 98]xxxy.
ex his pars und erit modulus, ad quẽ (uti ſu,
pra ſcriptum eſt) opera diſtribuentur, Ita ſupra ſine.
gulasepiſtyliæ, & methopæ duæ, & triglyphi bint
erunt collocandi, In angularibus hoc amplius, dimi,
diatum quantum eſt ſp atium hemitriglyphi.
id in mediano contra faſtigium trium triglyphorum
9696[Handwritten note 96]9797[Handwritten note 97]9898[Handwritten note 98]&
trium methoparum ſpatium, ut Latius medium in
ter columnium acœdentibus ad ædem habeat Laxamẽ
tum, &
aduerſus ſimulacra deorum aſpectus digni,
tatem, Inſuper trigly phorum capitula corona eſt

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