Vitruvius, Vitrvvivs Itervm Et Frontinvs À Iocvndo Revisi Repvrgatiqve Qvantvm Ex Collatione Licvit, 1513

Table of handwritten notes

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Diſtribuitur autem Longitudo æ dis, uti Lati
tudo ſit lõgitudinis dimidiæ partis, ipſáq́
cellaparte quarta lõgior ſit, ꝗ̃ eſt latitudo
9999[Handwritten note 99] cum pariece, qui paries ualuarum habuerit collocatio
nem, Reliquæ tres partes pronai ad antas parietum
procurrant, quæ antæ columnarum craſſitudine ha
bere debent, Et ſi ædes eritl.
titudine maior ꝗ̃ pedes
duæ colnmnæ inter duas antas interponãtur, quæ
diſiun gãt pteromatos, &
pronai ſpatium, Item inter,
columnia tria, quæ erunt inter antas &
pluteis marmoreis ſiue ex inteſtino opere factis inter
cludantur, ita uti fores habeant, per quas itinera ὧ
nao fiant.
59[Figure 59]a. antæ
b. ꝓnaus
c. plutei d. cella
e. Locaual
a b c d e

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