Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

Table of contents

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[61.] The Operation upon the Juices of the Body. 4. The Hiſtory.
[62.] The Operation upon the Bowels for their Extruſion of Aliment. 5. The Hiſtory.
[63.] The Operation upon the Outward Parts for their Attraction of Aliment. 6. The Hiſtory.
[64.] The Operation upon the Aliment it ſelf for the Inſinuation thereof. 7. The Hiſtory.
[65.] The Operation upon the laſt Act of Aſsimilation. 8.
[66.] The Operation upon the Inteneration of that which begins to be Arefied, or the Malaciſſation of the Body. 9.
[67.] The Hiſtory.
[68.] The Operation upon the Purging away of old Juice, and Sup-plying of new Juice; or of Renovation by Turns. 10. The Hiſtory.
[69.] The Porches of Death.
[70.] The Hiſtory.
[71.] The Differences of Youth and Old Age.
[72.] Moveable Canons of the Duration of Life and Form of Death. Canon I.
[73.] The Explication.
[74.] Canon II.
[75.] The Explication.
[76.] Canon III.
[77.] The Explication.
[78.] Canon IV.
[79.] The Explication.
[80.] Canon V.
[81.] The Explication.
[82.] Canon VI.
[83.] The Explication.
[84.] Canon VII.
[85.] The Explication.
[86.] Canon VIII.
[87.] The Explicætion.
[88.] Canon IX.
[89.] The Explication.
[90.] Canon X.
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148114Natural Hiſtory;
Old Ground, that hath been long unbroken up, gathereth Moſs; and
11539. therefore Husbandmen uſe to cure their Paſture-Grounds, when they grow
to Moſs, by Tilling them for a year, or two:
Which alſo dependeth upon
the ſame cauſe;
for that the more ſparing and ſtarving Juyce of the Earth,
inſufficient for Plants, doth breed Moſs.
Old Trees are more Moſſie, (far) than young; for that the Sap is not
22540. ſo frank as to riſe all to the Boughs, but tireth by the way, and putteth out
Fountains have Moß growing upon the Ground about them;
33541. # Muſcoſi Fontes--
The cauſe is, for that the Fountains drain the Water from the Ground adja-
cent, and leave but ſufficient moiſture to breed Moß;
and beſides, the cold-
neſs of the Water conduceth to the ſame.
The Moß of Trees, is a kinde of Hair; for it is the Juyce of the Tree, that
44542. is excerned, and doth not aſſimilate, and upon great Trees the Moſs gather-
eth a figure, like a Leaf.
The moiſture ſort of Trees yield little Moſs, as weſeein Aſps, Poplars,
55543. Willows, Beeches, &
c. Which is partly cauſed for the reaſon that hath been
given of the frank putting up of the Sap into the Boughs;
and partly, for
that the Barks of thoſe Trees are more cloſe and ſmooth, than thoſe of
Oaks, and Aſhes, whereby the Moſs can the hardlier iſſue out.
In Clay Grounds, all Fruit Trees grow full of Moſs, both upon Body
66544. and Boughs;
which is cauſed, partly by the coldneſs of the Ground, whereby
the Plants nouriſh leſs;
and partly by the toughneſs of the Earth, whereby
the Sap is ſhut in, and cannot get up, to ſpred ſo frankly as it ſhould
We have ſaid heretofore, that if Trees be hide-bound, they wax leſs
77545. fruitful and gather Moſs;
and that they are holpen by hacking, & c. And
therefore by the reaſon of contraries, if Trees be bound in with Cords or
ſome out ward Bands, they will put forth more Moſs:
Which (I think)
hapneth to Trees that ſtand bleak, and upon the cold Winds.
It would
alſo be tried, whether, if you cover a Tree, ſome what thick upon the
top, after his powling, it will not gather more Moſs.
I think allo, the
Watring of Trees with cold Fountain Water will make them grow full of
There is a Moſs the Perfumers have, which cometh out of Apple-Trees,
88546. that hath an excellent ſent.
Quare, particularly for the manner of the
growth, and the nature of it.
And for this Experiments ſake, being athing
of price, I have ſet down the laſt Experiments, how to multiply and call on
Next unto Moſs, I will ſpeak of Mushromes, which are likewiſe an
unperfect Plant.
The Muſhromes have two ſtrange properties; the one,
that they yield ſo delicious a Meat;
the other, that they come up ſo haſtily,
as in a night, and yet they are unſown.
And therefore ſuch as are Upſtarts
in State, they call in reproach, Mushromes.
It muſt needs be therefore, that
they be made of much moiſture;
and that moiſture fat, groſs, and yet
ſomewhat concocted.
And (indeed) we finde, that Mushromes cauſe the
accident, which we call Incubus, or the Mare in the Stomach.
And there-
fore the Surfeit of them may ſuffo cate and empoyſon.
And this ſhe weth,
that they are windy;
and that windineſs is groſs, and ſwelling, not
ſharp or griping.
And upon the ſame reaſon Mushromes are a venereous

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