Apollonius <Pergaeus>; Lawson, John, The two books of Apollonius Pergaeus, concerning tangencies, as they have been restored by Franciscus Vieta and Marinus Ghetaldus : with a supplement to which is now added, a second supplement, being Mons. Fermat's Treatise on spherical tangencies

Table of contents

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[81.] LEMMA IV.
[82.] LEMMA V.
[83.] PROBLEM VII. (Fig. 32, 33, 34, &c.)
[84.] PROBLEM I. (Fig. 32 to 45.)
[85.] PROBLEM II. (Fig. 46 to 57.)
[87.] THE END.
[88.] A SYNOPSIS OF ALL THE DATA FOR THE Conſtruction of Triangles, FROM WHICH GEOMETRICAL SOLUTIONS Have hitherto been in Print.
[89.] By JOHN LAWSON, B. D. Rector of Swanscombe, in KENT. ROCHESTER:
[90.] MDCCLXXIII. [Price One Shilling.]
[93.] INDEX OF THE Authors refered to in the SYNOPSIS.
[94.] Lately was publiſhed by the ſame Author; [Price Six Shillings in Boards.]
[96.] Continuation of the Synopsis, Containing ſuch Data as cannot readily be expreſſed by the Symbols before uſed without more words at length.
[98.] FINIS.
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page |< < ([10]) of 161 > >|
133. V. The ſquare of the baſe equal to the rectangle of one ſide and a given line.
General Mag. qu. 61.
134. V. P. The angle of two lines from extremes of B to middle of P.
Mathematician, pr. 65.
135. V. B. The angle of two lines from extremes of B to the middle of P.
Brit. Oracle, qu. 91.
136. V. S. The ratio of the ſquare of a line, drawn in a given direction from V to B,
to the rectangle of the ſegments of B made thereby.
Anderſoni Exercitationes Math. No. 8.
137. V. S or s. m: n, theſe being ſegts. by a line from V to B dividing V into
given angles.
Hutton’s La. Diary, qu. 139.
138. V. A line from V to B dividing V in a given ratio. Area a minimum.
L. Diary, 1761, qu. 479.
139. V. Line from A biſecting S. Line from a biſecting s.
*Simpſon’s Sel. Ex. pr. 15.
140. V. Per. Line parallel to B biſecting the area.
*Gent. Di. 1750, qu. 98. - Reducible to V. B. S + s.
141. S. s. Line from V to centre of ins. ☉(sun).
L. Diary, 1771, qu. 635.
142. Baſe. One ſide. Ratio of a line from V, making a given angle with ſaid ſide,
to alternate part of B.
Hutton’s Mis. pag. 63, Cor.
143. B. Point of contact therein of ins. ☉(sun). mxn.
Hutton’s L. Diaries, 1722, qu. 94.
144. L. A perpendicular thereto from one of the angles at the baſe. The other
angle at the baſe.
L. Diary, 1769, 1770, qu. 604.
145. L. A perpendicular thereto from A. Another from a.
L. Diary 1768, 1769, qu. 588.
146. One of the angles at the baſe. Perpendicular therefrom to oppoſite ſide a max-
A line from the other angle at the baſe biſecting its oppoſite ſide.
*L. Diary, 1769, 1770, qu. 607.
147. S. s. m: n, theſe being ſegts. by a line from V to B, and the ratio of this line to
m or n.
Rudd’s Prac. Geom. part 2d, qu. 40.

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