Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's, An essay on perspective

Table of contents

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[111.] Problem I.
[112.] Example.
[113.] Problem II.
[114.] Operation.
[115.] Demonstration.
[116.] Proe. III.
[117.] Operation.
[118.] Demonstration.
[119.] Prob. IV.
[120.] CHAP. V.
[121.] Problem I.
[122.] Problem II.
[123.] Operation.
[124.] Demonstration.
[125.] Remark.
[126.] Problem III.
[127.] Method II.
[128.] Operation.
[129.] Demonstration.
[130.] Method III.
[131.] Operation.
[132.] Demonstration.
[133.] Remark.
[134.] Problem IV.
[135.] Problem V.
[136.] Operation.
[137.] Demonstration.
[138.] Problem VI.
[139.] Method II.
[140.] Operation.
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page |< < (74) of 237 > >|
15274An ESSAY the Lines themſelves, and T the Accidental Point
oſ Perpendiculars to the Geometrical Plane.
Continue the Line A B until it meets the
Baſe Line in G, and draw the Line G D, which
cut in a and b by Lines drawn from A and B to
the Eye.
Then draw the Lines a F and T b In-
terſecting each other in X;
and a x will be the
Appearance ſought.
Becauſe a b is the Repreſentation of A 1143. the Appearance of the inclin’d Line is one Part
of a F.
But the Extremity of the inclin’d Line
is in a Perpendicular to the Geometrical Plane
raiſed at the Point B;
therefore the Repreſen-
tation of the ſaid Extremity is in T b, and con-
ſequently x in the Interſection of this Line and
a F.
Method III.
91. Draw F H thro’ the Accidental Point of
the inclin’d Lines, parallel to the Baſe Line,
and equal to o F in Fig.
48. then a is the Perpen-
22Fig. 49. dicular of the Foot of the inclin’d Line whoſe
Perſpective a x may be found as directed n.

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