Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's, An essay on perspective

Table of handwritten notes

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15776An ESSAY Plane; and at the Points R and S, raiſe the in-
definite perpendiculars R G and S M;
and aſſume
the Point M at Pleaſure on S M;
from which
raiſe the Perpendicular M N, equal to the given
Line, and draw the Lines M O and N O, cutting
11Fig. 41. the Line R G in the Points E and G.
having drawn a Line at Pleaſure in the per-
ſpective Plane through the Point T, which is
that wherein a Perpendicular falling from the
Eye on the perſpective Plane meets it, aſſume
T H in the ſaid Line, equal to R E, and T I e-
qual to R G;
draw the Lines Ta, Ha, through
the Point a, the Perſpective of the Foot of the
given Perpendicular, and through the Point I,
the Line I X, parallel to Ha, and cutting Ta
in X, then a X will be the Appearance ſought.
It is manifeſt , that the Point T, is the 2213, 14. dental Point of Lines perpendicular to the Geo-
metrical Plane;
and conſequently the Per-
ſpective ſought is a Part of T a.
Moreover, it
is manifeſt , that if the Feet and 334. of two equal right Lines, perpendicular to the
Geometrical Plane be joyn’d by Lines, theſe
Lines of Junction will have parallel Repreſen-
becauſe they are parallel to each other,
as likewiſe to the perſpective Plane.
And con-
ſequently, ſince H I, by Conſtruction, is the
Perſpective of a Line perpendicular to the
Geometrical Plane, and equal to the given Line,
and H a paſſes through the Appearances of the
Foot of the ſaid Perpendicular, and the given
I ſay, that X I, which is paral-
lel to Ha, and paſſes through the Extremity of
the Appeaarance H I, likewiſe paſſes through
the Extremity of the given Line;

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