Vitruvius, Vitrvvivs Itervm Et Frontinvs À Iocvndo Revisi Repvrgatiqve Qvantvm Ex Collatione Licvit, 1513

Table of handwritten notes

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Item generibus aliis conſtituuntur œdes exiiſdem
ſymmetriis ordinatœ, &
alio genere diſpoſitiones
habtes, uti eſt Caſtoris in circo Flaminio, & inter
duos lucos Veicuis, Item argutius nemori Dianœ colũ
113113[Handwritten note 113]114114[Handwritten note 114] nis adiectis dextra ac ſiniſtra ad humeros pronai,
Hoc aũt genere primo facta œdes, uti eſt Caſtoris in
arco, Athenis in arce, Mineruœ, &
in Attica ſunio,
Earũ nõ aliœ, ſed eœdem ſunt proportiões.
Cellœ enim lōgitudines duplices ſunt ad lantudines,
uti reliqua exiſona, quœ ſolent eſſe in ſrõtibus,
113113[Handwritten note 113]114114[Handwritten note 114] ad Latera ſunt tranſlata.
71[Figure 71]Templige
nus aliud
à tuſcani-
as, iiſdem
tame ſym
metriis fa
a. ꝓnaus
b. œdis.
c. cellœ nores.
d. ꝓnai.
a b c d
Nonnulli etiam de tuſcanicis generibus ſumentes co
Lumnarum diſpoſitiones tranſſerunt in

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