Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's, An essay on perspective
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16581on PERSPECTIVE. the given Lines; and conſequently L, or 1113, 14. will be the Accidental Point ſought.
Prob. IV.
99. To find the Repreſentation of one or more
Lines inclined to the Geometrical Plane.
Let a b be the Perſpective of the Direction of
22Fig. 56. the given Line:
Now the Length of its Directi-
on may be determin’d, by means of the Tri-
angle ECP, according to the Directions of n.
This being done, the Line b X muſt be drawn
through the Point b, equal to E P, and this re-
preſents a Perpendicular to the Geometrical
then a X being drawn, will be the Re-
preſentation ſought.
Method II.
100. To ſolve the ſame Problem by means of the
accidental Points F and T, the one being that of the
Lines propoſed;
and the other, that of the Perpen-
33Fig. 56. diculars to the Geometrical Plane.
Draw a Line from the Point F through the
Point a, which interſect in the Point X, by ano-
ther Line drawn from the Point T through b:
and then a X will be the Perſpective ſought.
Method III.
101. The ſame Things being given as in the
44Fig. 101. aforegoing Method, draw a I through the Point
a, equal to E P, repreſenting a Line perpendicu-
lar to the Geometrical Plane.
Then draw a pa-
rallel to F T through the Point I, whoſe

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