Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

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175141Century VII.
LOoking againſt the Sun doth induce Sneezing. The cauſe is, not the
11687 heating of the Noſtrils;
for then the holding up of the Noſtrils againſt
the Sun, though one wink, would do it, but the drawing down of the moi-
ſture of the Brain:
For it will make the Eyes run with water, and the draw-
ing of moiſture to the Eyes, doth draw it to the Noſtrils by Motion of Con-
ſent, and ſo followeth Sneezing.
As contrariwiſe, the Tickling of the
Noſtrils within doth draw the moiſture to the Noſtrils, and to the Eyes by
conſent, for they alſo will water.
But yet it hath been obſerved, that if one
be about to ſneeze, the rubbing of the Eyes till they run with water, will
prevent it.
Where of the cauſe is, for that the humor which was deſcending
to the Noſtrils, is diverted to the Eyes.
THe Teeth are more by cold drink, or the like, affected, then the other
33688 parts.
The cauſe is double; the one, for that the reſiſtance of Bone to
Tenderneß of
the Teeth.
cold, is greater then of Fleſh;
for that the Fleſh ſhrinketh, but the Bone re-
ſiſteth, where by the Cold becometh more eager.
The other is, for that the
Teeth are parts without Blood, whereas Blood helpeth to quali e the cold.
And therefore we ſee, that the Sinews are much affected with Cold, for that
they are parts without Blood.
So the Bones in ſharp Colds wax brittle; and
therefore it hath been ſeen, that all contuſions of Bones in hard weather, are
more difficult to cure.
IT hath been noted, that the Tongue receiveth more eaſily tokens of
55689. Diſeaſes then the other parts;
as of heats within, which appear moſt
touching the
in the blackneſs of the Tongue.
Again, Pied Cattel are ſpotted in their
Tongues, &
c. The cauſe is (no doubt) the tenderneſs of the part, which
thereby receiveth more eaſily all alterations then any other parts of the
WHen the Mouth is out of taſte, it maketh things taſte ſometimes ſalt,
77690. chiefly bitter, and ſometimes loathſome, but never ſweet.
touching the
cauſe is, the corrupting of the moiſture about the Tongue, which many
times turneth bitter, and ſalt, and loathſome, but ſweet never;
for the reſt
are degrees of corruption.
IT was obſerved in the Great Plague of the laſt year, that there were ſeen in
99691. divers Ditches, and low Grounds about London, many Toads that had
Some Progno-
ſticks of Peſti-
lential Sea-
Tails two or three inches long at the leaſt, whereas Toads (uſually) have no
Tails at all;
which argueth a great diſpoſition to putrefaction in the Soil
and Air.
It is reported likewiſe, that Roots (ſuch as Carrots and Parſnips) are
more ſweet and luſcious in infectious years then in other years.
WIſe Phyſicians ſhould with all diligence inquire what Simples Nature
1111692. yieldeth, that have extream ſubtile parts without any Mordication
Special Sim-
ples for Medi-
or Acrimony;
for they undermine that which is hard, they open that which
is ſtopped and ſhut, and they expel that which is offenſive gently, without
too much perturbation.
Of this kinde are Elder-flowers, which therefore
are proper for the Stone;
of this kinde is the Dwarf-pine, which is
proper for the Jaundies;
of this kinde is Harts-horn, which is proper
or Agues and Infections;
of this kinde is Piony, which is proper for Stop-
pings in the Head;
of this kinde is Fumitory which is proper for the Spleen;

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