Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

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182148Natural Hiſtory; periment made of putting Sea fish into Freſh-water, Ponds, and Pools. It is
a thing of great uſe and pleaſure;
for ſo you may have them new at ſome
good diſtance from the Sea:
And beſides, it may be the Fiſh will eat the
pleaſanter, and may fall to breed.
And it is ſaid, that Coliheſler Oyſters,
which are put into Pits, where the Sea goeth and cometh, (but yet ſo that
there is a Freſh-water coming alſo to them when the Sea voideth) become
by that means ſatter, and more grown.
THe Turkish Bow giveth a very forcible Shoot, inſomuch as it hath been
11704. known, that the Arrow hath pierced a Steel Target, or apiece of Braſs
Attraction by
Similitude of
of two Inches thick:
But that which is more ſtrange, the Arrow, if it be
headed with Wood, hath been known to pierce through a piece of Wood of
eight Inches thick.
And it is certain, that we hadin uſe at one time, for Sea-
fight, ſhort Arrows, which they called Sprights, without any other Heads,
ſave Wood ſharpned;
which were diſcharged out of Muskets, and would
pierce through the ſides of Ships, where a Bullet would not pierce.
this dependeth upon one of the greateſt ſecrets in all Nature;
which is, that
Similitude of Subſtance will cauſe Attraction, where the Body is wholly freed
from the Motion of Gravity:
Forif that were taken away, Lead would draw
Lead, and Gold would draw Gold, and iron would draw Iron without the help
of the Load-ſtone.
But this ſame Motion of Weight or Gravity (which is
a meer Motion of Matter, and hath no affinity with the Form or Kinde)
doth kill the other Motion, except it ſelf be killed by a violent Motion;
8686[Handwritten note 86] in theſe inſtances of Arrows, for then the Motion of Attraction by Simili-
tude of Subſtance beginneth to ſhew it ſelf.
But we ſhall handle this point
of Nature fully in due place.
THey have in Turky, and the Eaſt, certain Confections, which they call
33705. Servets, which are like to Candid Conſerves, and are made of Sugar and
Certain drinks
in Turkey.
Lemmons, or Sugar and Citrons, or Sugar and Violets, and ſome other Flowers;
and ſome mixture of Amber for the more delicate perſons: And thoſe they
diſſolve in Water, and there of make their Drink, becauſe they are for bidden
Wine by their Law.
But I do much marvel, that no Englishman, or Dutchman,
or German, doth ſet up Brewing in Conſtantinople, conſidering they have ſuch
quantity of Barley.
For as ſor the general ſort of Men, frugality may be the
cauſe of Drinking Water;
ſor that it is no ſmall ſaving to pay nothing for
ones drink:
But the better ſort might well be at the coſt. And yet I wonder
the leſs at it, becauſe I ſee France, Italy, or Spain, have not taken into uſe Beer
or Ale;
which (perhaps) if they did, would better both their Healths and
their Complexions.
It is likely it would be matter of great gain to any that
ſhould begin it in Turkey.
IN Bathing in hot water, ſweat (nevertheleſs) cometh not in the parts un-
55706. der the Water.
The cauſeis, firſt, for that ſweat is a kinde of Colliqua-
in Conſort,
And that kinde of Colliquation is not made either by an over-dry
Heat, or an over-moiſt Heat.
For over-moiſture dothſome what extinguiſh
the Heat;
as we ſee, that even hot water quencheth Fire, and over dry Heat
fhutteth the Pores.
And therefore Men will ſooner ſweat covered before
the Sun or Fire, then if they ſtood naked:
And Earthen Bottles filled
with hot water, do provoke in Bed a Sweat more daintily then Brick-bats
Secondly, Hot water doth cauſe Evaporation from the Skin, ſo as
it ſpendeth the matter in thoſe parts under the Water, beſore it iſſueth

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