Vitruvius, Vitrvvivs Itervm Et Frontinvs À Iocvndo Revisi Repvrgatiqve Qvantvm Ex Collatione Licvit, 1513

Table of handwritten notes

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page |< < (95) of 490 > >|
    <echo version="1.0RC">
      <text xml:lang="la" type="free">
        <div type="section" level="0" n="0">
          <p style="it">
            <s xml:space="preserve">
              <pb o="95" file="0201" n="201" rhead="QVINTVS."/>
            calce & </s>
            <s xml:space="preserve">arena cõpleatur, Sin autem mollis locus erit,
            palis uſtilatis alneis, aut oleagineis, aut robuſteis
            cõ figatur, & </s>
            <s xml:space="preserve">carbonibus cõpleatur, quemadmodum
            in tbeatrorum & </s>
            <s xml:space="preserve">muri fundationibus eſt ſcriptum.</s>
            <s xml:space="preserve"/>
          <figure number="86">
            <description style="it" xml:space="preserve">a. ſeptio
            tis tabu,
            b. rota ria.</description>
            <variables xml:space="preserve">a b</variables>
          <p style="it">
            <s xml:space="preserve">Deinde tũc quadr ato ſaxo murus ducatur iũcturis
            ꝗ̃lõgιſſimis, uti maxime medii lapides coagmõtis cõ
            tine atur, Tunc ꝗ locus erit inter murũ, ruder atiõe ſi
            ue ſtructura cõpleatur, Ita erit uti poſſit turris in ſu
            ꝑ œdificari, His pfectis, naualiorũ ea erit rõ, ut cõſti
            tuãtur ſpectãtia maxime ad ſeptẽtrionem, nã meri,
            dianœ regiões ꝑꝑ aſtus cariẽ, tineam. </s>
            <s xml:space="preserve">teredines, reli,
            quáq́ beſtiarũ nocẽtiũ gener a ꝓcreăt, alẽdoq́ cõſer
            uăt, eaq́ œdi ficia minime ſunt materiăda ꝑꝑ incen,
            dia, De magnitudinibus aũt finitio nulla debet eſſe,
            Sed faciũda ad maximũ nauium modũ. </s>
            <s xml:space="preserve">uti & </s>
            <s xml:space="preserve">ſimaio
            res naues ſubductæ fuerint, habeãt cũlaxamẽto ibi
            collocationẽ, Quœ nece ſſaria ad utilitatẽ in </s>