Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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22848That the Earth may be a Planet. hence it is, that many of the Ancients have
concluded Hell to be in the North, which is
ſignified by the left hand:
unto which ſide
our Saviour tells us, that the Goats ſhall be
Which opinion likewiſe ſeems to
11Mat. 25. 33 be favoured by that place in Job, where ’tis
ſaid, Hell is naked before God, and deſtruction
22Job 26. 6, 7 hath no covering.
And preſently ’tis added,
He ſtretched out the North over the empty place.
Upon theſe grounds, St. Jerome interprets
that Speech of the Preacher, Eccleſ.
11. 3.
If the Tree fall toward the South, or towards
the North, in the place where the Tree falleth,
there ſhall it be.
Concerning thoſe who ſhall
go either to Heaven or Hell.
And in this
ſenſe alſo do ſome expound that of Zacha-
ry 14.
4. where ’tis ſaid, that the Mount of
Olives ſhall cleave in the midſt;
half of it ſhall
remove towards the North, and half of it to-
wards the South.
By which is intimated,
that amongſt thoſe Gentiles, who ſhall take
upon them the Profeſſion of Chriſt, there are
two ſorts;
Some that go to the North, that
is, to Hell;
and others to the South, that is,
to Heaven.
And therefore it is (ſay they)
that God ſo often threatens Evil out 33Jer. 1. 14,
15. item c.
4. 6 & 6. 1.
the North:
And upon this ground it is,
(ſaith Beſoldus) that there is no 44Li. de
nat. popul.
ca. 4.
that worſhips that way.
We read of the
Mahumetans, that they adore towards the
the Jews towards the Weſt; Cbri-
ſtians towards the Eaſt, but none to the

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