Vitruvius, Vitrvvivs Itervm Et Frontinvs À Iocvndo Revisi Repvrgatiqve Qvantvm Ex Collatione Licvit, 1513

Table of handwritten notes

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230LIBER97[Figure 97]a. thirorõ
b. hoſtiario rum cellæ.
c. equilia
d. periſtylũ
e. ꝓſtas ſi, ue paraſtaſ
f. & amphi,
g. triclinio rũ uiriliũ
h. æ ci ſchẽa
i. muliebria
k. loca ſub diuo oia re
liq̈ loca cir
ca æ ci ſche
ma ſũt mu,
lieribus de
Quæ autẽ ſunt circa
porticũ ſũt
cubicula, &
cellæ fami,
a b c d e f g h i k
Sed hoc ualde eſt mirandum, nec enim græce nec
latine poteſt id cõuenire, Græci enim κισιρυας

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