Huygens, Christiaan, Christiani Hugenii opera varia; Bd. 2: Opera geometrica. Opera astronomica. Varia de optica

Table of figures

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[Figure 231]
[Figure 232]
[Figure 233]
[234] pag. 776.Tab. lvi.Fig. 1.B H V C K E T D F X P Z Q I Y O R S A
[235] Fig. 2.D S Y A d I M N d X D O Z B M E C R
[236] Fig. 3.Y T V A M N Z B E C R
[237] Fig. 4.L A M F H N G E D K B C
[238] Fig. 5.h A P O R Q G F D Z H E K L C B M
[239] Fig. 6.D A P r N O e Q K I V F H C L B M
[240] Fig. 7.C B C D A A
[Figure 241]
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239506CHRIST. HUGENII ſive etiam - 3y3 + ayx eſſe affirmatam, ac proinde 3y3 - ayx
eſſe negatam:
aut quando 3xx - ay fuerit affirmata, tunc
- 3y3 + ayx eſſe negatam;
ac proinde 3y3 - ayx eſſe affir-
Per hæc itaque apparet ex quantitatibus per regulam in-
ventis, quæ erant {3y3 - ayx/3xx - ay} = z judiciari poſſe ad utrum ca-
ſum conſtructio tangentis pertineat;
nempe excomperta diſſi-
militudine affectionis in diviſore &
dividendo, ſequi ad prio-
rem caſum eam pertinere, hoc eſt z, ſive F E, accipiendam
eſſe verſus A:
ex ſimilitudine vero eorum affectionis ſequi ad
contrariam partem ſumendam.
fig. 6.
Poteſt autem quantitas z ſive FE per regulam inventa, non-
nunquam ad ſimpliciores terminos reduci ope æquationis datæ,
quæ naturam curvæ continet:
velut in hac curva A C, axem
habente A D, verticem A, cujuſque ea eſt proprietas ut, ſi à
puncto C in eâ ſumpta, applicetur ordinatim C D, fiat pro-
ductum ex cubo B D (eſt autem B punctum in axe extra cur-
vam datam) in quadratum D A æquale cubo quadrato DC.
ve ponendo B A = a, B D = x, D C = y, fiat æquatio cur-
væ naturam continens, iſta x5 - 2ax4 + aax3 - y5 = o.
ponendo CG eſſe tangentem, quæ occurrat axi in G, vocan-
doque GD, z, fit ſecundum regulam z = {- 5y5/5x4 - 8ax3 + 3aaxx}.
Quia autem ex datâ æquatione eſt y5 = x5 - 2ax4 + aax3, re-
ſtituendo pro 5y id quod ipſi æquale eſt, fiet z =
{- 5x5 + 10ax4 - 5aax3/5x4 - 8ax3 + 3aaxx};
ſive dividendo per xx, erit z =
{- 5x3 + 10axx - 5aax/5xx - 8ax + 3aa,}.
Et rurſus, dividendo hanc fractionem
per x - a, habebitur z = {-5xx + 5ax/5x - 3a}.
Quod ſignificat
faciendum ut ſicut B D quinquies ſumpta minus B A ter, ſive
ut B A bis unà cum A D quinquies ad AD quinquies, ita BD
ad D G;
atque ita G C tacturam in C curvam A C.

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