Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

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    <echo version="1.0RC">
      <text xml:lang="en" type="free">
        <div xml:id="echoid-div1071" type="section" level="1" n="36">
          <pb file="0252" n="252" rhead="A Table of the chief Matters"/>
          <note style="it" position="right" xml:space="preserve"># Antipathy in other kindes, 209, 210,
          # 211, 212, 213. Antipathy between ene-
          # mies in abſence # ib.
          Appetite of continuation in liquid bodies # 5, 6
          Appetite in the ſtomach, 176. what quali-
          # ties provcke it, ibid. Four cauſes thereof
          # ibid.
          Apple incloſed in VV ax for speedy ripening,
          # 70, 71. Hanged in ſm@ak, ibid. Covered
          # in Lime and Aſhes, ibid. Covered with
          # Crabs and Onions, ib. Apple in Hay and
          # Straw, ibid. In a cloſe box, ibid. Apple
          # rolled, ib. Apple inpart cut, beſmeared
          # with ſack # ibid.
          Apple-cions grafted on the ſtock of a Cole-
          # wort # 97
          Apple-trees, ſome of them bring forth a
          # ſweet Moſs # 114
          Aqua-fortis diſſelving Iron # 166
          Archbiſhop of Vienna his revelation to
          # Lewis the Eleventh # 211
          Arrows with wooden-heads ſharpned, pierce
          # wood ſooner, then with iron heads # 148
          Artichokes made leſs prickly # 98
          Art of memory # 27
          Aſhes in a veſſel, will not admit equal quan-
          # tity of water, as in the veſſel cmpty # 10
          Aſhes an excellent compoſt # 123
          Asp eauſeth eaſie death # 132
          Aſſimilation in bodies in animate, 24. In
          # vegetables # ib. 79, 179
          Aftriction prohibiteth putrefaction # 75
          Attraction by ſmilitude of ſubſtance # 148, 191
          Audibles mingle in the medium, which viſi-
          # bles do not, 53. The cauſe thereof. ibid.
          # Several Conſents of audibles and viſibles,
          # 58, 59. Several Diſſents of thcm, 60, 61.
          # Audibles and Viſibles # 204
          Authority ſtrengthneth Imagination # 206
          BAg growing in the fields # 115
          Barrel empty knocked, ſaid to give a
          # Diapaſon to the ſame Barrel full # 45
          Barrenneſs of Trees, the cauſe # 100
          Baſil turned into VVilde Thj
          me # 111
          Baſilisk # 202
          Bathing the body, 156. VVould not be
          # healthful for us, if it were in uſe, ibid.
          # For the Tuiks good # ib.
          Bearing in the womb, in ſome creatures
          # longer, in ſome ſhorter # 159
          Beaſts do not imitate Mans ſpeech as Birds
          # do, 55. The cauſe, ibid. Beaſts commu-
          # nicating in ſpecies with one another, 138.
          # Likewiſe ſome Birds, ibid. Beaſts in their
          # kindes, leſſer then F ſhes, 184. Greater
          # then Birds, the cauſe # ibid.
          Beasts that yield the taste or virtue of the
          # the Herb they feed on # 104
          Beaſts foreſhew Rain # 175
          Capon. Becr, how made, 13. Averynouriſh-
          # ing drink # ibid.
          Bees humming an uneqnal ſound # 43
          Birds have another manner in their quick-
          # ning, then Men or Beaſts, 25. Birds
          # communicating in ſpecies with one an-
          # other, 138. Swifter in motion then Beaſts,
          # ibid. The cauſe, ibid. In their kindes,
          # leſſer then Beaſts or Fiſhes, 184. The
          # cauſe, ibid. Imitate Mans ſpeech, which
          # Beasts do not, 55. Thecanſe # ibid.
          Birth of living creatnres # 78
          Black the beſt colour in Plumbs # 109
          Blear-eyes infectious # 202
          Bleeding of the body, at the approach of the
          # murtherer # 207
          Blood, five means of ſtanching it # 18
          Blood drawethſalt # 211
          Blood of the Cuttle-fi
          ſh # 156
          Blood-stone # 210
          Blows and bruiſes induce ſwelling, 187. The
          # cauſe # ibid.
          Bluſhing cauſeth redneß in the ears, not in
          # theeyes, as anger doth, 189. The cauſe
          # of each # ibid.
          Boaring an hol@ through a Tree, helpeth it # 94
          Body brittle ſtrucken, 3. Bodies natural
          # moſt of them have an appetite of admit-
          # ting others into them, 169. Except flame,
          # ibid. Bodies unperf@ctly mixt # 178
          Bodies in nature that give no ſounds, and
          # that give ſounds # 32, 33, 34
          Bodies, to which, VVine is hurtful, and to
          # which, good # 153
          Bodies conſerved a long time # 162, 163
          Boldneſs and ind@ſiry, the power of them in
          # civil buſineſs # 190, 203
          Boletus # 131
          Bolus Armenus # 147
          Bones, 141, 157. The moſt ſenſible of cold,
          # 141. In what Fiſhes none, 157. One in
          # the Heart of a Stag # ib.
          Boiling cauſeth Grains to ſwell in difference # 185
          Bracelets worn which comfort the ſpirits,
          # 219. Their three ſcveral operations, # ibid.
          Brains of ſome Beoſts ſtrengthen the memory, # 210
          Brain increaſed in the Full Moon # 193
          Braſs ſanative of wounds # 166
          Braſ -plates oſſw age ſwelling # 187
          Breath held, helpeth hearing, 62. The cauſe # ibid.</note>