Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

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        <div xml:id="echoid-div1071" type="section" level="1" n="36">
          <pb file="0256" n="256" rhead="A Table of the chief Matters"/>
          <note style="it" position="right" xml:space="preserve"> # of the Element of Fire, ibid. Preyeth # upon Oil, as Air upon VVater, 24. Taketh # in no other body into it, but converteth it, # 169. Flame cauſing water to riſe, 192. # Flame, 81. Thecontinuance of it accord- # ing to ſeveral Bodies, ibid. Obſervation # about going out of Flame, ibid. 82. Laſt- # ing thereof, in Candles of ſeveral mix- # tures, ibid. Of ſeveral VVicks, ibid. 83. # In Candles laid in Bran, ibid. In Lamps, # ibid. VVhere it draweth the nouriſhment # far, ibid. In a Turretted Lamp, ibid. # VVhere it is kept cloſe from Air, 83. Ac- # cording to the temper of the Air, ibid. 84. # Irritated by cold # ibid. Fleſh diſſ olved into Fat, 139. Fleſh edible and # not edible, 186. The cauſes of each, ibid. # Horſes fleſh ſometimes eaten, ibid. Mans # fleſh likewiſe, ib. Eaten by VVitches # ib. Flies in exceß, ſign of a Pestilential year, # 155, The cauſe # ibid. Flights of Birds, the ſwiftest motion, 139. # The cauſethereof # ibid. Flint laid at the bottom of a Tree, hath help- # edthe growth, 93. The cauſe # ibid. Flowers ſmell beſt whoſe Leaves ſmell not, 86. # Flowers growing amongſt the Corn, and no # where elſe, 108. To have Flowers grow # upon Trees, 102. To induce colour into # Flowers, ibid. Flowers double, 109. To # make them ſo in fruitful Trees, ibid. # Flowers, 121. All exquiſitely figured, # ibid. Numbers of their Leaves # ibid. Flying in the Air of a Body unequal, 167. # Of a Body ſupported with Feathers # 191 Forming of parts in young Creatures # 7 Foreign Plants # 118, 119 Fowls, VVater-fowls foreſhew Rain # 175 Fragile Bodies, 180. The cauſe of their fr a- # gility # ibid. French-man hurt in the head, hard to cure # 166 Fryer Bacons Illuſion # 160 Friction, a furtherer of nouriſhment, 16. # Maketh the parts morefreſhly, 190. The # cauſe, ibid. Impinguateth more then # Exerciſe, ibid. The cauſe # ibid. Frogs in exceß, a ſign of a peſtilential year, # 155. The cauſe # ibid. Fruits, their maturation, 70. The cauſes # thereof, ibid. Several inſtances thereof, # ibid. 71. The dulcoration thereof, by # other means, 186. The ſeveral cauſes # ib. Fruit pricked as it groweth, ripens ſooner, 96. # Fruit-tree grafted upon a wild tree, 97. # Fruit dulcorated, by applying of Swines # dung, 98. The cauſe, ibid. Alſoby Choff # and Swines dung mingled, ibid. Enlarged # bybeing covered with a Pot as it groweth, # ibid. Fruits compound, 100, 101. Fruits # of divers kindes upon one Tree, 107. Fruits # if divers ſhapes and figuers, ibid. 108. # Fruits with inſcriptions upon them, ibid. # Fruits that are red within, 109. Fruits # coming twice a year, 119. Fruits made # without core or ſtone, 110. Fruits that # have juyces fit for drink, 130. Unfit, ibid. # The cauſe of each, ibid. Fruits ſweet before # they beripe, 132. which never ſweeten, ibid. # Fruit bl@ſſoming, hurt by South-winds # 135 Fuel not conſuming, 163, 164. Fuel con- # ſuming faſt, ibid. Fuel cheap # ibid. Full of the Moon, 193. Several eſfects of it, # ibid. Tryals for further obſervations # 194 Fumes taken in Pipes # G. GAlilæus his opinion of the Ebbing and # Flowing of the sea # 167 Gaping a motion of Imitation # 65 Garments, of what Plants they maybe made # 128 Gathering of wind for freſhneß # 164 Generation, oppoſed to corruption # 73 Generating of ſome Creatures at ſet times # onely, of ſome at all times, 159. The cauſe # of each # ibid. 160 Genius over-mastering # 204 Germination accelerated by ſeveral means, # 90, 91, 92. Retarded by ſeveral means # 92 Guinny-Pepper cauſeth ſneezing # 202 Glaſs, the materials thereof in Venice # 162 Glaſs out of Sand, 164. Glaſs, whether re- # moulten, it keepeth weight # 169 Globes at diſtance appearing flat # 190 Gloworm # 149 Gold, 71. The making of it, ibid. A work # poſſible, but not rightly purſued, ibid. # Diſcourſe of a Stranger, touching the # making of it, 72. Directions for the making # of it, ibid. 73. Direction of a Tryal, ibid. # Several properties of Gold, ibid. Gold # hath in it the least volatile of any Metal # 169 Gout, order incuring it # 16 Grafting, 92. A late-coming fruit upon an # early Fruit-tree, 93. Grafts in great plen- # ty, 95. Grafting meliorateth the Fruit, # 97. Grafting of Trees that bear no Fruit, # enlargeth the Leaves, 100. Grafting of # ſeveral kindes, maketh not Compound # fruits # ibid. Grafting Vine upon Vine # 136 Grapes, bow they may be kept long, 129. Al- # ſo by preſerving of the ſtalk # ibid. Gravity, 10. Motion of Gravity, ibid. 148.</note>