Vitruvius, M. Vitrvvivs Per Iocvndvm Solito Castigatior Factvs Cvm Figvris Et Tabvla Vt Iam Legi Et Intelligi Possit, 1511

Table of handwritten notes

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26LIBER8[Figure 8]a ſerredentesa
Mœnibus circũdatis, ſequunt̃ intra murum arearum diuiſiones, platea-
, &
angiportuũ, ad cœli regionẽ directiones. Dirigent̃ hæc autẽ
, ſi excluſi erunt ex angiportis uenti prudẽter:
qui ſi frigidi ſunt, le-
, ſi calidi, uitiant, ſi humidi, nocent.
Quare uitandũ uidet̃ hoc ui-
, &
aduertẽdum ne fiat, quod in multis ciuitatibus uſu ſolet eueni-
quẽadmodum in inſula Leſbo oppidũ Mitilene magnificẽter eſt edi-
eleganter, ſed poſitũ non prudenter. In qua ciuitate Auſter
, homines ægrotant:
cum Corus, tuſciunt, Septemtrio,

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