Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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281101That the Eartb may be a Planet. Heat. The force of which, may more pro-
perly be applied to prove him in the
3. ’Tis probable that the Planetary Orbs
(which are ſpecial parts of the Univerſe)
do move about the Centre of the World,
rather than about any other Centre which is
remote from it.
But now ’tis evident, that
the Planets Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus,
Mercury, do, by their Motion, encompaſs
the Body of the Sun.
’Tis likely therefore
that this is ſcituated in the midſt of the
And as for the three upper Planets, ’tis
found, by Obſervation, that they are always
neareſt to the Earth, when in oppoſition to
the Sun, and fartheſt from us, when in con-
junction with it:
Which difference is ſo
eminent, that Mars in his Perige does appear
ſixty times bigger, than when he is in the
Apoge, and at the greateſt diſtance.
Now, that the Revolution of Venus and
Mercury alſo is about the Sun, may from
hence be evidenced.
Firſt, Becauſe they are
never at any great diſtance from him.
condly, Becauſe they are ſeen ſometimes a-
bove, and ſometimes below him.
Becauſe Venus, according to her different
ſcituations, does change her appearance as
the Moon.
4. There is yet another Argument, which
Ariſtotle himſelf doth repeat from 11De Cælo,
The moſt excellent Body ſhould have
the beſt place:
but the Sun is the moſt

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