Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

Table of contents

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[31.] Poculaque admiſtis imitantur vitea Sorbis.
[34.] NATURAL HISTORY. Century X.
[35.] Neſcio quis teneros oculus mihi faſcinat Agnos:
[36.] ATABLE Of the chief Matters containedin the CENTURIES
[37.] His Lordſhips uſual Receipt for the Gout (to which, the Sixtieth Experiment hath reference) wasthis. Tobe taken in this order. 1. The Poultice.
[38.] 2. The Bath or Fomentation.
[39.] 3. The Plaiſter.
[40.] HISTORY Natural and Experimental OF LIFE & DEATH: OR, Of the Prolongation of LIFE. Written in Latin by the Right Honorable Francis Lord Verulam, Viſcount St. Albans.
[41.] LONDON, Printed for VVilliam Lee at the Turks-head in Fleetſtreet. 1669.
[43.] To the preſent Age and Poſterity, Greeting.
[44.] THE HISTORY OF Life and Death. The Preface.
[45.] THE Particular Topick Places; OR, ARTICLES of INQUISITION TOUCHING LIFE and DEATH.
[46.] Nature Durable, and not Durable. The History.
[47.] Obſervations.
[48.] The Hiſtory.
[49.] An Obſervation.
[50.] Deſiccation, Prohibiting of Deſiccation, and In-teneration of that which is deſiccated and dried. The Hiſtory.
[51.] Obſervations.
[52.] Length and Shortneß of Life in Living Creatures. The Hiſtory.
[53.] Obſervations.
[54.] Alimentation, or Nouriſhment: and the way of Nouriſhing. The History.
[55.] Length and Shortneſs of Life in Man. The Hiſt@ry.
[56.] Medicines for Long Life.
[57.] The Intentions.
[58.] The Operation upon the Spirits that they may remain Youthful, and renew their Vigour. The Hiſtory.
[59.] The Operation upon the Excluſion of the Air. 2. The Hiſtory.
[60.] The Operation upon the Bloud, and the Sanguifying Heat. 3. The Hiſtory.
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          <head xml:id="echoid-head1" xml:space="preserve">SYLVA
          A Natural Hiſtory,
          TEN CENTURIES.</head>
          <head xml:id="echoid-head2" xml:space="preserve">Whereunto is newly added,
          The Hiſtory Natural and Experimental of LIFE
          and DEATH, or of the Prolongation of LIFE.</head>
          <head xml:id="echoid-head3" xml:space="preserve">Publiſhed after the Authors Death,
            <emph style="sc">William</emph>
            <emph style="sc">Rawley</emph>
          , Doctorin Divinity,
          One of His Majeſties Chaplains.</head>
          <head xml:id="echoid-head4" xml:space="preserve">Whereunto is added Articles of Enquiry, touch-
          ing Metals and Minerals. And the New Atlantis.</head>
          <head xml:id="echoid-head5" xml:space="preserve">Written by the Right Honorable
          Lord Verulam, Viſcount St. Alban.</head>
          <head xml:id="echoid-head6" xml:space="preserve">The Ninth and Last Edition,
          With an Alphabetical Table of the Principal Things
          contained in the Ten Centuries.</head>
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          <head xml:id="echoid-head7" xml:space="preserve">LONDON:
          rinted by J. R. for William Lee, and are to
          be Sold by the Bookſellers of London. 1670.</head>