Vitruvius, Vitrvvivs Itervm Et Frontinvs À Iocvndo Revisi Repvrgatiqve Qvantvm Ex Collatione Licvit, 1513

Table of handwritten notes

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              <pb o="146" file="0305" n="305" rhead="NONVS."/>
            gularũ rerũ cõſiderãtes effectus, moueri, multas res
            attendẽs admiror ẽt Democriti de rerũ natura uolu
            mina, & </s>
            <s xml:space="preserve">eius cõmentariũ, qđ inſcribitur ΧΣςοτό-
            νηκΤον, in quo etiam utebatur anulo, ſignãs cœra ex
            milto, quœ eſſet expertus.</s>
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            <s xml:space="preserve">Ergo eorũ uirorũ cogitatanõ ſolũ ad mores corrigẽ
            dos, Sed ẽt ad omniũ utilitatẽ ꝑpetuo ſuntp̃parata,
            Athletarũ aũt nobilitates breui ſpacio cũ ſuis corpo-
            ribus ſeneſcũt, Itaq́ neq́ cũ maxime ſunt florentes,
            neq́ poſteritate, neq́ iſtitutis hi quẽadmodũ ſapiẽtũ
            cogitata hominũ uitœ ꝓdeſſe poſſunt, Cũ ueroneq́
            moribus, neq́ inſtitutis ſcriptorũ p̃ſtãtibus tribuan-
            tur honores, ipſæ aũt ꝑſe mẽtes aeris altiora proſpi-
            cientes memoriarũ gradibus ad cælũ elatæ, æuo im-
            mortali nõ mõ ſentẽtias, ſed ẽt figur as eorũ poſteris
            cogũte eſſenotas, Itaq́ ꝗ liter arũ iocũditatibus </s>