Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

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30527The Hiſtory of Life and Death.
Secondly, on the other ſide we denounce unto men that they will give over trifling, and
not imagine that ſo great a work as the ſtopping and turning back the powerful courſe of na-
ture, can be brought to paſs by ſome Morning-draught, or the taking of ſome precious
Drug, but that they would be aſſured that it muſt needs be, that this is a work of labour,
and conſisteth of many Remedies, and a fit connexion of them amongſt themſelves;
for no
man can be ſo ſtupid as to imagine, that what was never yet done, can be done, but by ſuch
ways as were never yet attempted.
I hirdly, we ingeniouſly profeſs, that ſome of thoſe things which we ſhall propound have
not been tried by us by way of Experiment, (for our courſe of life doth not permit that)
but are derived (as we ſuppoſe) upon good reaſon, out of our Principles and Grounds,
(of which ſome we ſet down, others we reſerve in our mind) and are, as it were, cut and
digged out of the Rock and Mine of Nature her ſelf.
Nevertheleſs we have been careful,
and that with all providence and circumſpection, (ſeeing the Scripture ſaith of the Body
of Man, that it is more worth than Raiment) to propound ſuch Remedies, as may at
leaſt be ſafe, if peradventure they be not fruitful.
Fourthly, we would have men rightly to obſerve and diſtinguiſh, that thoſe things which
are good for an Healthful Life, are not always good for a Long Life;
for there are ſome
things which do further the alacrity of the Spirits, and the ſtrength and vigour of the
Functions, which notwithſtanding, do cut off from the ſum of Life;
and there are other things
which are profitable to prolongation of Life, which are not without ſome peril of health,
unleſs this matter be ſalved by ſit Remedies;
of which, notwithſtanding, as occaſion ſhall be
offered, we will not omit to give ſome Cautions and Monitions.
Laſtly we have thought good to propound ſundry Remedies, according to the ſeveral
but the choice of thoſe Remedies, and the order of them, to leave to Diſ-
for to ſet down exactly which of them agreeth beſt, with which Conſtitution of
Body, which with the ſeveral courſes of Life, which with each mans particular Age, and
how they are to be taken one after another, and how the whole Practique of theſe things is to
be adminiſtred and governed, would be too long, neither is it ſit to be publiſbed.
In the Topicks we propunded three Intentions: The Prohibiting of Conſumption,
The Peifecting of Reparation, and the Renewing of Oldneſs.
But ſeeing thoſe things
which ſhall be ſaid are nothing leſs than words, we will deduce theſe three Intentions to ten
The firſt is, the Operation upon the Spirits that they may renew their vigour.
The ſecond Operation is upon the Excluſion of Air.
The third Operation is upon the Bloud, and the Sanguifying Heat.
The fourth Operation is upon the Juices of the Body.
The fifth Operation is upon the Bowels, for their Extruſion of Aliment.
The ſixth Operation is upon the Outward Parts, for their Attraction of Aliment.
The ſeventh Operation is upon the Aliment it ſelf, for the Inſinuation thereof.
The eighth Operation is upon the laſt Act of Aſſimilation.
The ninth Operation is upon the Inteneration of the Parts, after they begin to be dried.
The tenth Operation is upon the Purging away of Old Juice, and Supplying of New
Of theſe Operations, the four firſt belong to the Firſt Intention, the four next to the se-
cond Intention, and the two laſt to the Third Intention.
But becauſe this part touching the Intenſions doth tend to Practice, under the name
of Hiſtory, we will not onely compriſe Experiments and Obſervations, but alſo Counſels,
Remedies, Explications of Cauſes, Aſſumptions, and whatſoever hath reference here-

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