Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's, An essay on perspective

Table of handwritten notes

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3312An ESSAY
Theorem VI.
19. Let A C be a Line inclined to the Geometrical
Plane, and O D another Line drawn parallel to
A C, from the Eye to the perſpective Plane.
11Fig. 6. if B A be drawn in the Geometrical Plane, pa-
rallel to the baſe Line, and likewiſe D E, in the
perſpective Plane, parallel to the ſaid Line, ſo that
B A be to A C, as E d to D O.
I ſay, the Ap-
pearance of the Line B C, paſſing through the Point
B, and the Extremity of the Line A C, being con-
tinued, will meet the Point E.
Now to prove this; it is evident, that 2213. need but demonſtrate, that O E is parallel to
B C:
And this may be done in the following
A B is parallel to E D, and A C to O D;
whence the Angle (E D O) of the Triangle
O E D, is equal to the Angle (B A C) of the
Triangle A C B:
And ſo theſe two Triangles
are ſimilar;
becauſe they have alſo their Sides
But ſince theſe two ſimilar Tri-
angles, have two of their Sides parallel, the
third B C is alſo parallel to O E;
which was to be
20. If A B be made equal to A C, and E D to D O,
the Appearance of B C will paſs thro’ the Point E,
The Practice of Perſpective upon the Per-
ſpective Plane, ſuppoſed to be perpendicu-
lar, or upright.
IN order to give a diſtinct Idea of the Theory, I
have hitherto conſider’d the Geometrical Plane,
as it were the Ground upon which the

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