Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's, Physices elementa mathematica, experimentis confirmata sive introductio ad philosophiam Newtonianam; Tom. 1

Table of contents

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[51.] De Tubis Capillaribus.
[52.] De aſcènſu aquæ inter plana, de quo in n. 58.
[53.] De motu guttæ in n. 59,
[54.] CAPUT VI. De Motu in genere, ubi de Loco & Tempore.
[55.] Definitio 1.
[56.] Definitio 2.
[57.] Definitio 3.
[58.] Definitio 4.
[59.] Definitio 5.
[60.] Definitio 6.
[61.] LIBRI I. PARS II. De Actionibus Potentiarum. CAPUT VII. De Actionibus Potentiarum comparandis.
[62.] Definitio.
[63.] CAPUT VIII. Generalia circa Gravitatem. Phænomenon i.
[64.] Definitio. 1.
[65.] Definitio 2.
[66.] Phænomenon 2.
[67.] Phænomenon 3.
[68.] Machina
[69.] Experimentum
[70.] CAPUT IX.
[71.] Definitio 1.
[72.] Definitio 2.
[73.] Definitio 3.
[74.] Definitio 4.
[75.] Experimentum 1.
[76.] Experimentum 2.
[77.] Definitio 5.
[78.] Definitio 6.
[79.] Experimentum 3.
[80.] Experimentum 4.
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