Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

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33860The Hiſtory of Life and Death.
The Explication.
THis Canon ſolveth the knot and difficulty in the Operation of Intenerating by the
Detention of the Spirit:
for if the Spirit not flying forth waſteth all within, there
is nothing gotten to the Inteneration of the parts in their ſubſiſtence, but rather they are
diſſolved and corrupted.
Therefore together with the Detention the Spirits ought to
be cooled and reſtrained, that they may not be too active.
Canon X.
THe heat of the Spirit to keep the body freſh and green, ought to be Robuſt, not
The Explication.
ALſo this Canon pertaineth to the ſolving of the knot aforeſaid, but it is of a
much larger extent, for it ſetteth down of what temperament the heat in the
body ought to be for the obtaining of Long life.
Now this is uſeful, whether the
spirits be detained, or whether they be not.
For howſoever the heat of the spirits
muſt be ſuch, as it may rather turn it ſelf upon the hard parts than waſte the ſoft;
for the one Deſiccateth, the other Intenerateth. Beſides, the fame thing is available
to the well perfecting of Aſſimilation;
for ſuch an heat doth excellently excite the fa-
culty of Aſſimilation, and withall doth excellently prepare the matter to be Aſſimi-
Now the properties of this kind of heat ought to be theſe. Firſt, that it be
ſlow, and heat not ſuddenly:
Secondly, that it be not very intenſe, but moderate:
Thirdly, that it be equal, not incompoſed, namely, intending and remitting it ſelf:

Fourthly, that if this heat meet any thing to reſiſt it, it be not eaſily ſuffocated or lan-
This Operation is exceeding ſubtil, but ſeeing it is one of the moſt uſeful, it is not
to be deſerted.
Now in thoſe Remedies which we propounded to inveſt the ſpirits with
a Robust heat, or that which we call Operative, not Predatory, we have in ſome ſort ſatiſ-
fied this matter.
Canon XI.
The Condenſing of the Spirits in their Subſtance is available to Long life.
The Explication.
THis Canon is ſubordinate to the next precedent: for the Spirit condenſed receiveth
all thoſe four properties of heat whereof we ſpeak;
but the ways of Condenſing
them are ſet down in the firſt of the Ten Operations.
Canon XII.
THe Spirit in great quantity haſtneth more to flying forth, and preyeth upon the body
more, than in ſmall quantity.
The Explication.
THis Canon is clear of it ſelf, ſeeing mere Quantity doth regularly increaſe virtue.
Andit is to be ſeen in flames, that the bigger they are, the ſtronger they break forth,
and the more ſpeedily they conſume.
And therefore over-great plenty or exuber ance
of the ſpirits is altogether hurtful to Long life;
neither need one wiſh a greater ſtore
of ſpirits than what is ſufficient for the function of life, and the office of a good Re-
Canon XIII.
THe Spirit equally diſperſed maketh leſs haſte to flie forth, and preyeth leſs upon the body,
than unequally placed.
The Explication.
NOt onely abundance of ſpirits in reſpect of the whole is hurtful to the Duration
of things, but alſo the ſame abundance unevenly placed is in like manner hurtful;
and therefore the more the ſpirit is ſhred and inſerted by ſmall portions, the leſs it prey-
eth for Diſſolution ever beginneth at that part where the ſpirit is looſer.
And there-
fore both Exerciſe and Frications conduce much to long life, for Agitation doth fine-
lieſt diffuſe and commix things by ſmall portions.
Canon XIV.
THe inordinate and ſubſultory motion of the ſpirits doth more haſten to going forth, and
doth prey upon the body more, than the conſtant and equal.
The Explication.
IN Inanimates this Canon holds for certain; for Inequality is the Mother of Diſſo-
but in Animates (becauſe not onely the Conſumption is conſidered, but

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