Vitruvius, Vitrvvivs Itervm Et Frontinvs À Iocvndo Revisi Repvrgatiqve Qvantvm Ex Collatione Licvit, 1513

Table of handwritten notes

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              <pb file="0342" n="342" rhead="LIBER"/>
            sympanũ in axe, ibiq́ ut hereãt colligãtur, Tum aũt
            cir ca tympanũ iuolutus alter funis refertur ad erga,
            tam, & </s>
            <s xml:space="preserve">is circũactus tympanũ & </s>
            <s xml:space="preserve">axẽ inuoluẽdo, fu-
            nes qui in axe religati ſunt pariter ſe extendunt, & </s>
            <s xml:space="preserve">
            ita leniter leuant oner a ſine periculo.</s>
            <s xml:space="preserve"/>
          <figure number="122">
            <description style="it" xml:space="preserve">a. ergata
            b. num
            c. tio</description>
            <variables xml:space="preserve">a b c</variables>
          <p style="it">
            <s xml:space="preserve">Quod ſi maius tympanũ collocatum, autin medio,
            aut in una ꝑte extrema, habuerit ſine ergata calcan
            tes hoies, expeditiores hẽre poterit operis effectus.</s>
            <s xml:space="preserve"/>
          <p style="it">
            <s xml:space="preserve">Aliud machinæ tractoriæ genus.</s>
            <s xml:space="preserve"/>
        <div type="section" level="0" n="0">
          <head xml:space="preserve">Cap. V.</head>
          <p style="it">
            <s xml:space="preserve">F St aũt aliud genus machinæ ſatis artifi-
            cioſum, & </s>
            <s xml:space="preserve">ad uſum celeritatis expeditum,
            ſed in co dare operā nõ poſſunt niſi </s>