Vitruvius, Vitrvvivs Itervm Et Frontinvs À Iocvndo Revisi Repvrgatiqve Qvantvm Ex Collatione Licvit, 1513

Table of handwritten notes

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344LIBER123[Figure 123]a. tignum
b. cula
c. nium
d. troclea ſub quæ
regula po
ſita eſt
f. ducta- rii funes
e. troclea quã græ-
a epagõ-
ta noſtri
a b c d e f
Harũ machinationũ omnium, quæ ſupra ſunt ſcri
ptæ rõnes nõ mõ ad has res, ſed ad oner ãdas &
ner andas naues ſunt paratæ aliæ erectæ, aliæ pla
ne in charcheſiiis uerſatilibus collocatæ.
Nõ minus ſi
ne tignorũ erectiõibus in plano ẽt eadẽ rõne &
tis funibus &
trocleis ſubductiões nauiũ efficiũtur.
Ingenioſa Cteſiphõtis rõ ad grauia onera ducẽda.
Caput. VI.
N On eſt alienum etiam Cteeſiphontis inge
nioſam inuentionem exponere.
Is enim
ſcapos columnarũ exlapicidinis cum de-
portare uellet Epheſum ad Dianæ fanũ, ꝓpter ma-
gnitudinem onerum, &
uiarum campeſtrem molli-
tudinem, nõ confiſus carris, nerotæ

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