Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

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THis Fable my Lord deviſed, to the
end that hemight exhibit therein
a Model or Deſcription of a College,
inſtituted for the Interpreting of
Nature, and the producing of
great and marvellous Works for the benefit of
Men, under the name of Solomons Houſe, or, The
College of the Six days Works.
And even ſo far his
Lordship hath proceeded as to finish that Part.
Certainly, the Model is more vaſt and high,
than can poſſibly be imitated in all things, not-
withſtanding moſt things therein are within
Mens power to effect.
His Lordship thought
alſo in this preſent Fable to have compoſed a
Frame of Laws, or of the beſt State or Mould
of a Commonwealth;
but fore-ſeeing it would be a
long Work, his deſire of Collecting the Natural
Hiſtory diverted him, which he preferred many
degrees before it.
This Work of the New Atlantis (as much as
concerneth the English Edition) his Lordship de-
ſigned for this place, in regard it hath ſo near
affinity (in one part of it) with the preceding
Natural Hiſtory.
W. Rawley.

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