Musschenbroek, Petrus van, Physicae experimentales, et geometricae de magnete, tuborum capillarium vitreorumque speculorum attractione, magnitudine terrae, cohaerentia corporum firmorum dissertationes: ut et ephemerides meteorologicae ultraiectinae

Table of figures

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        <div xml:id="echoid-div307" type="section" level="1" n="307">
          <pb o="405" file="0419" n="419" rhead="DE MAGNITUDINE TERRÆ."/>
        <div xml:id="echoid-div308" type="section" level="1" n="308">
          <head xml:id="echoid-head384" xml:space="preserve">
            <emph style="sc">Problema</emph>
          <head xml:id="echoid-head385" style="it" xml:space="preserve">Triangulum E S R. Leida, Gouda, Dordracum.</head>
          <note position="right" xml:space="preserve">
          Datur per Probl. X V. diſtantia inter Leidam & \\ Goudam # 5918, 9, 7.
          Ex obſervatis autem datur angulus R E S # 25 gr. 49?.
          Angulus S R E # 25 gr. 49?.
          Angulus R S E # 128 gr. 22?.
          Unde per doctrinam Triangulorum eruitur diſtantia \\ inter Goudam & Dordracum # 5918, 9. 7.
          Inter Leidam & Dordracum # 10663, 7.
        <div xml:id="echoid-div309" type="section" level="1" n="309">
          <head xml:id="echoid-head386" xml:space="preserve">
            <emph style="sc">Problema</emph>
          <head xml:id="echoid-head387" style="it" xml:space="preserve">Triangulum E A R, Leida, Haga, Dordracum.</head>
          <note position="right" xml:space="preserve">
          Per Problema XIII datur diſtantia inter Hagam & \\ Leidam # 4118, 0, 7.
          Ex obſervatis autem angulus E A R # 85 gr. 51?.
          Angulus A E R # 71 gr. 31?.
          Angulus A R E # 22 gr. 38?.
          Unde latus E R diſtantia inter Dordracum & Lei- \\ dam # 10672, 7.
            <s xml:id="echoid-s9337" xml:space="preserve">Quæ major eſt quam inventa in problemate XVI, quare angulus
            E A R major fuit obſervatus, quam revera eſt, poſitâ priori menſurâ
            bonâ: </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s9338" xml:space="preserve">error irrepere in obſervationem Snellii potuit, quia Dordraco
            Hagam non conſpicere ipſi licuit.</s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s9339" xml:space="preserve"/>
          <note position="right" xml:space="preserve">
          Eruitur vero diſtantia inter Hagam & Dordracum # 10148, 8.
        <div xml:id="echoid-div310" type="section" level="1" n="310">
          <head xml:id="echoid-head388" xml:space="preserve">
            <emph style="sc">Problema</emph>
          <head xml:id="echoid-head389" style="it" xml:space="preserve">Triangulum A E F, Haga, Leida, Rotterodamum.</head>
          <note position="right" xml:space="preserve">
          Per Problema XIII. Datur diſtantia inter Hagam Lei- \\ damque E A # 4118, 0, 7.
          Ex obſervatis angulus E A F # 90 gr. 18?.