Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

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4612Natural Hiſtory; Cold, relaxeth: As it is ſeen in Vrine, Blood, Pottage, or the like; which, if they
be cold, break and diſſolve.
And by this kinde of Relaxation, Fear looſneth
the Belly;
becauſe the heat retiring in wards to wards the Heart, the Guts,
and other parts are relaxed;
in the ſame manner as Fear alſo cauſeth trem-
bling in the Sinews.
And of this kinde of Purgers are ſome Medicines made
of Mercury.
The ſeventh cauſe is Abſterſion, which is plainly a ſcouring off, or Inciſion
1142. of the more viſcuous humors, and making the humors more fluid, and cutting
between them, and the part;
as is found in Nitrous Water, which ſcoureth
Linnen-Cloth (ſpeedily) from the foulneſs.
But this Inciſion muſt be by a
Sharpneß, without Aſtriction;
which we finde in Salt, Wormwood, Oxymel, and
the like.
There be Medicines that move Stools, andnot Vrine; ſome other Vrine,
2243. and not Stools.
Thoſe that Purgeby Stool, are ſuch as enter not at all, or little
into the Meſentery Veins;
but either at the firſt, are not digeſtible by the
Stomack, and therefore move immediately downwards to the Guts;
or elſe
are afterwards rejected by the Meſentery Veins, and ſo turn likewiſe down-
wards to the Guts;
and of theſe two kindes, are moſt Purgers. Butthoſe that
move Vrine, are ſuch as are well digeſted of the Stomack, and well received
alſo of the Meſentery Veins;
ſo they come as far as the Liver, which ſendeth
Vrine to the Bladder, as the Whey of Blood:
And thoſe Medicines, being open-
ing and piercing, do fortifie the operation of the Liver, in ſending down
the Wheyey part of the Blood to the Reins.
For Medicines Vrinative do not
work by rejection and indigeſtion, as Solutive do.
There be divers Medicines, which in greater quantity move Stool, and
3344. in ſmaller, Urine;
and ſo contrariwiſe, ſome that in greater quantity move
Urine, and in ſmaller Stool.
Of the former ſortis Rubarb, and ſome others.
The cauſe is, for that Rubarb is a Medicine, which the Stomack in a ſmall
quantity doth digeſt, and overcome (being not Flatuous nor Loathſome,)
and ſo ſendethit to the Meſentery veins;
and ſo being opening, it helpeth down
But in a greater quantity, the Stomack cannot overcome it, and
ſo it goeth to the Guts.
Pepper, by ſome of the Ancients, is noted to be of the
ſecond ſort;
which being in ſmall quantity, moveth wind in the Stomack
or Guts, and ſo expelled by Stool;
but being in greater quantity, diſſipateth
the wind, and it ſelf getteth to the Meſentery Veins, and ſo to the Liver and
where, by Heating and Opening, it ſendeth down Urine more
WE have ſpoken of Evacnating of the Body, we will now ſpeak ſome-
4445. thing of the filling of it by Reſtoratives in Conſumptions and Emaciating
in Conſort,
Meats and
Drinks that
are moſt nou-
In Vetegables, there is one part that is more nouriſhing than
as Grains and Roots nouriſh more than the Leaves, inſomuch as
the Order of the Foliatans was put down by the Pope, as finding Leaves un-
able to nouriſh Mans Body.
Whether there be that difference in the
Fleſh of Living Creatures, is not well enquired;
as whether Livers, and
other Entrails, be not more nouriſhing than the outward Fleſh.
We finde
that amongſt the Romans, a Gooſes Liver was a great delicacy;
as they had artificial means to make it fair, and great;
but whether it were
more nouriſhing, appeareth not.
It is certain, that Marrow is more
nouriſhing than Fat.
And I conceive, that ſome decoction of Bones and
Sinews, ſtamped and well ſtrained, would be a very nouriſhing Broth:
finde alſo, that Scotch Skinck (which is a Pottage of ſtrong nouriſhment)

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