Vitruvius, Vitrvvivs Itervm Et Frontinvs À Iocvndo Revisi Repvrgatiqve Qvantvm Ex Collatione Licvit, 1513

Table of Notes

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          # conſideratur.a.f.113. # b.f.ii3.Promontorium.b.f.i2i. Procumbere.b.f.i28. Procumbere in dentes.b. # Pranſitare.a.f.79. Proshortas.a.f.i55.a.f. # f.i56. Prouindemia grœce Πζο # θΗγεΤον.b.f.i5i. Proſta hiſtorumena.a.f. # i58. Pros pan Prœcluſio.a.f.i59. Proſuſio ſumptuũ.a.f.i6i. Prœconeſſum marmor.a. # Prœſſio.a.f.168. Protudere.b.f.i68. Prœcinctorius ſunis. a.f. # i85.</note>
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          <head xml:space="preserve">P ante S</head>
          <note style="it" position="right" xml:space="preserve"> Pſeudiſodomum. Pſeudodipteros.a.f.44.b. # Pſeudoperipteros.b.f.75. Pſeudobarbanaœdiſicia. # a.f.i07.</note>
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          <note style="it" position="right" xml:space="preserve"> Pteromatos.b.f. 48.b.f.67 # b.f.75.</note>
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          <note style="it" position="right" xml:space="preserve"> Publica & œdiſicia.b. # f.8.Pumex.b.f.26. Punicoſus.b.f.26. Puluis, hic puteolanus # dicitur.b.f.27.b.f.93.b. # f.94. Pumex Puluinus.a.f.53.a.f.92.a # Puteus.b.f.90.Purpura.b.f.i26. Puteus.b.f.129.b.f.139.b. # f.i41. Pullus Publicani.b.f.i39.Punctum.a.f.i63.b.f.168. # a.f.172.</note>
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          <note style="it" position="right" xml:space="preserve"> Pycnoſiylos.b.f. 45.a.f. # 49.Pyramis.b.f.74.</note>
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