Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's, An essay on perspective

Table of contents

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[21.] Corollary III.
[22.] Corollary IV.
[23.] Theorem V.
[24.] Theorem VI.
[25.] Corollary.
[26.] CHAP. III.
[27.] Problem I.
[28.] Operation.
[29.] Demonstration.
[30.] Remarks.
[31.] Method II.
[32.] Operation.
[33.] Demonstration.
[34.] Remarks.
[35.] Method III.
[36.] Operation.
[37.] Demonstration.
[38.] Remark.
[39.] Method. IV.
[40.] Operation, Without Compaſſes.
[41.] Demonstration.
[42.] Remarks.
[43.] Method V.
[44.] Operation, Without Compaſſes.
[45.] Demonstration.
[46.] Remark.
[47.] Corollary.
[48.] Method VI.
[49.] Operation.
[50.] Demonstration.
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page |< < (21) of 237 > >|
Method. IV.
31. Draw the Line F O G through the Eye O,
parallel to the Baſe Line, then aſſume F O in
11Fig. 10. this Line, equal to the Height of the Eye, and
O G equal to the Length of the principal Ray.
A is the given Point.
Without Compaſſes.
From the given Point A, draw the Lines AO,
A F, to the Points O and F, and from the
Point E, wherein A F cuts the Baſe Line, draw
the Line E G to the Point G;
then the Point a,
the Interſection of A O, and E G, is the Repre-
ſentation ſought.
Let fall the perpendicular G M from the Point
G, upon the Baſe Line, and through the Eye O,
draw the Line O D to the Point D, the Inter-
ſection of the Horizontal Line, and the Line G E.
Then becauſe the Triangles G D L, G E M are
G D:
G E: : G L: G M.
But G O is equal to G L, and G F to L M.
G D:
G E: : G O: G F.
And conſequenely the Triangles G O D: and
G F E, are ſimilar, and the Lines O D, and
A E F, are parallel between themſelves;
therefore the Appearance of A E, is a 2213 of the Line E D G.
It has alſo been 3327. that the Repreſentation of the Point A, is in the
Line A O;
therefore i@ is in a the

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