Vitruvius, De architectura libri decem ad Caesarem Augustum, omnibus omnium editionibus longè emendatiores, collatis veteribus exemplis

Table of figures

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[Figure 91]
[92] Scalæ cochlides.
[93] Scalæ rectæ itionis.
[94] Hemicylindri repræſentatio.Y B C H B K N M P A D C
[95] Meſolabii affiguratio.B D G C B F D H M G Q N T O F B M P
[96] Aſpectuum figura.A D aſpect{us} trigon{us}. A C aſpect{us} tetragon{us}. A B aſpect{us} hexagon{us}. A E aſpect{us} diametralis. C D B E A
[97] Cuneoli in formam lapidis coniecti cum anſa.
[98] Ergatæ.
[Figure 99]
[100] Sucula.
[101] Libra.
[102] Statera.
[Figure 103]
[Figure 104]
[Figure 105]
[Figure 106]
[Figure 107]
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