Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's, Physices elementa mathematica, experimentis confirmata sive introductio ad philosophiam Newtonianam; Tom. 1

Table of contents

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[551.] Definitio 3.
[552.] Experimentum 1.
[553.] Experimentum 2.
[554.] Experimentum 3.
[555.] Experimentum 4.
[556.] Experimentum 5.
[557.] CAPUT XIX. De Radiorum Coloribus & horum immutabilitate.
[558.] Definitio 1.
[559.] Definitio 2.
[560.] Experimentum 1.
[561.] Experimentum 2.
[562.] Experimentum 3.
[563.] Experimentum 4.
[564.] Experimentum 5.
[565.] Experimentum 6.
[566.] Experimentum 7.
[567.] CAPUT XX. De Colorum permixtione, ubi de Albore.
[568.] Experimentum 1.
[569.] Experimentum 2.
[570.] Experimentum 3.
[571.] Experimentum 4.
[572.] Experimentum 5.
[573.] Experimentum. 6.
[574.] Experimentum 7.
[575.] CAPUT XXI. De Iride.
[576.] J, R:: CL, CM:: C l, C m:: CL--C l = L l, CM--C m = M n.
[577.] BC, BL:: B b, B o. BC, BM:: B b, B p.
[578.] BL, BM:: J, 2 R.
[579.] Experimentum I.
[580.] BCq, BLq:: 8 Rq, Jq-Rq
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